Chapter 1: New Girl

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"Mister Mathews i dont see why we have to take this test," Maya said protesting again. "Because we always have to take a test Mia what do you expect," Mr Mathews explained. "Ms Jones are you ready." He looked at the small girl in the back. Hailey Jones looked up from her art book she had been drawing not paying attention. "M-Me?" She stambered. "Where do i know that last name?" Lucas whispered thinking. Mr. Mathews walked up and grabbed her book "detentuon after school." He said and passed out the test. Farkle looked at the girl 'wow' he thought. She looked at her test and started to answer the questions. 'And she is smart wow' Farkle thought.

(Sorry short chapter but I will write more I will be doing more disney writing because I feel like it okay)

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