Chapter 3

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"This is where you will be staying for the rest of your life, which might not be long." He smirked and locked the doors. "Your room is upstairs. Later we can go shopping and get you some new clothes."
I had nothing to do in this room. Trust me, theres NO way of escaping! Theres no window and the door locks on the outside. The paint on the walls is blue and the paint was pretty new. It wasnt that bad at all.
A few hours later he came in and said
"Come on we are going to the mall"
"No" I mumbled with an attitude
"Listen. If you dont get your ass up from that bed, i will do something and it will not be fun"
I sighed and got my 'ass' up from my bed.
We walked downstairs together and out the door.
He gave me a talk about if i said anything to anyone about me being kidnapped, he would kill me.
When we got to the mall i went in a few stores, obviously with him by my side. Every where i went, he was there.
I looked at a shirt with pink flowers that surrounded the words "pierce vhe veil". I loved it. I just needed it.
"I want this one."
"You like pierce the veil?" He said with a shocked look on his face.
"Oh. I didnt think someone your age would like them."
"A lot of people my age do" he nodded, indicating for me to go on. "Especially me. Sleeping with sirens and pierce the veil are my favorite bands ever."
"Oh well, buy all the band merch you want" he smiled.
I looked aroune at all the other shirts. I saw black and pink flower sweat shirt that said "sleeping with sirens" on it.
I also found a bunch of falling in reverse and black veil brides tees and sweat shirts.
After he paid for the 12 band shirts that i wanted, he said
"Now lets go give you a hair cut or dye your hair"
there is absolutely no way in hell that he is gonna get me to cut OR dye my hair.
"No. I am not cutting my hair nor dyeing it. Thank you very much."
We both rolled our eyes
"Fine. But we have to change a few of your looks."
"Like what?"
I didnt really feel uncomfortable or scared, for some reason. I felt like everything was gonna be okay. I didnt feel insecure about this, i dont know what it is but this is not how someone would act if they were in my situation. They would panic and cry and beg, but thats not how i felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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