Chapter 19: A Big Heart

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A Few Days Later...

   Emma woke up to find Snow sleeping on the couch, holding onto a pillow.  Her face stained with tears.  Why Regina? Why couldn't you leave things alone?  Emma decided to pay Regina a visit.  She walked out of the loft.


   David, Henry, and Regina were eating breakfast together.  Suddenly,  they heard a loud rapping at the door.  She wondered if it was Whale and his mob again.  She leisured to the door, preparing for some choice words for Whale.  When she opened the door, she was honestly a little shocked of who was at the door. 

   "Miss Swa-". Regina said in her usual tone.

   "Save it."  Emma retorted.  Regina's expression changed.  "This morning when I woke up, I found Snow asleep on the couch, tears on her face-". David heard that part and frowned. 

   "What do you what me to do about it?"  Regina asked.

   "Look, Regina, you need to pay, Snow is distraught, so you better give up David, as if he even loves you."  Those words stung, Does he love me?  Stop it Regina!  He loves you! You love him!

    "And what if I don't?"  Regina folded her arms over and was getting defensive.

   "Henry go in the kitchen, stay in there-". David whispered.

   "I know."  Henry butted in.  He went to the kitchen.

   "Well, I guess you'll have to find out."  Emma had an menacing smirk, something uncommon in the Swan.  Regina noted that. 

   "I'm very willing to."  Regina smirked back.  And with that Emma left. 

   Regina huffed.  Deeply, Regina was honestly scared of what would happen.  Of course, her being Regina Mills, she'd never show that, at least to Emma and the rest of the idiotic town.  David got up from his seat and walked over to her.  David could see it, pain.  Pain, in her eyes. 

   "Come here."  David pulled her into a loving hug. 

   "I don't want to loose you, I can't, I can't loose you, David."  She was letting it out. 

   "You won't, you won't ever loose me."  He kissed her temple and rubbed her back in an effort of comfort.

   "Come on, let's finish breakfast." 


   Regina was walking along the sidewalk.  She just needed some fresh air.  Some space to think.  She turned a corner.  Then, BOOM!  she was spreaders across the concrete.  She got up and dusted off her clothing. 

   "S-sorry, Regina."  Snow stuttered.

   "It's alright."  Regina said plainly and continued walking.  Snow turned airing and had an impulse to say something.

   "Regina!"  Snow shouted.  Regina tinted around and Snow walked towards her.

   "Yes?"  There was along pause.

   "Do you love David?"  She choked on those words.  Regina knew this was coming.  She didn't want to lie, and she didn't.

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