Birmingham England

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Natalie's POV:

I was super excited to say the least. Walking through the airport with my new family I could contain my smile. My new life was starting now. My sister won't have to grow up on the streets anymore. She can experience a real life of being a kid. Me and William can experience being teenagers.

Oliver and James were recognized immediately and fans were asking for autographs which they signed with a smile on their faces.

Me, William, Marie and mom and dad stood off to the side waiting for them to finish.

When they did finish we walked outside and got a taxi van to take us home. Home was in Birmingham, England.

Mom told me that the twins were born here and that her and dad were never able to leave that town. James and Oliver don't live with mom and dad anymore they still live in Birmingham just about 10 minutes away mon said.

I looked behind me and Marie was talking non stop to James about awhile bunch of things I couldn't understand cause she was talking so fast. I had to chuckle at that. I looked at William and Oliver was pointing out a bunch of things to him as we went past.

Mom looked at me and smiled. "You excited sweetie?" She said.

I smiled and nodded. "I can't wait mom. I'm so excited to explore." I said.

She smiled at me. "Sweetie I want you, William and Marie to have as much of a normal life you can have. Even though you have famous brothers I still want you to have fun as a teenager. Finish high school, go to college. I want you to do it all. I didn't get to see James or Oliver graduate high school because of filming but I'm going to make sure I see the 3 of you graduate. Do I make myself clear?" She said.

I smiled. She cared so much about us. She knew it was going to be hard for us because of James and Oliver but she still wanted us to just enjoy being young and I knew that I needed to make her proud. I just had to.

"Of course mom. We all want that now. We know that it's going to be difficult for us to fit in and make friends just because of our last name but we are going to deal with it and make the best out of it." I smiled at her and she smiled back pulling me into a side hug which I returned.

We pulled up to a three story house. It was beautiful.

"Well this is for us." James said.

"Your house guys is beautiful!" I said.

"Thanks sis our roommate picked it out. You'll meet him soon he's out of town right now though. So you'll have to meet him some other time." Oliver said.

They both got out of the car.

"The high school is actually in walking distance from here so you two are more then welcome to stop by after school. Just call one of us to make sure we're home." James said.

Me and William nodded. They took there luggage out of the trunk and waved at us as we drove away.

How our life changed forever (James and Oliver Phelps Family story) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now