
133 9 4

*this was requested by @StarsAndMagic* *spoilers if you haven't gotten far*


They make a cute couple. But if you think about it, Tenten didn't even cry when Neji died. Over all, they're were only a few moments, and most of the people I know ship LeeTen. But I like NejiTen a lot better because Tenten has the tomboy personality and Neji never actually liked girly girls. Otherwise, he would've like Ino or Sakura. So they're good for eachother and I would've liked to see them get together in the epilogue series, but of course, he had to fucking die. Like, why couldn't kishimoto kill Sakura? She's so useless it's pathetic and Neji was one of the strongest they had. But no, he had to die, right? Enough of my ranting, I like this couple and I definitely ship NejiTen.

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