Chapter 6: Prove Yourself To Me

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Chapter 6: Prove Yourself To Me

(Brielle POV)

I Woke up and felt so dead. I Had to remember everything that happened from yesterday and last night. I Just thought about my mistakes and everything for 5 minutes before I got up. When I Did get up and dragged myself to the bathroom.

I did my normal routine and put some sweats and simple T-Shirt. I Grabbed a Water Bottle from the mini fridge and my ipod and put on my running shoes. I Was going to run to get my mind off of things. As I Was running, My Phone started ringing.

The Number appeared as Brian's. I Sighed and Pressed Talk.

''Hey Brian'' I Sighed.

''Hey Girl, What's Wrong?''.

''Who Said Anything Was Wrong?''.

''Well The way you sighed when answered the phone, so whats up. Tell Me''. ''Brian, I'm taking a run, anyway you can call me back later so I Can-''. ''Brielle, Tell Me What's Wrong. I am going to keep harrassing you until you tell me''.

I Mentally rolled my eyes at him. Brian and I Have a close relationship but he knows his limits. I Don't know why he is so persitant to know. ''Ugh, MeandJacobBrokeUpandIhateitcuzithinkit'smyfault Bye'' I Say hanging up the phone.

He texted me a few times before I Got annoyed and just put my phone on 'Airplane Mode' So he couldn't. I Ran back to the hotel after I Had enough.

I Walked in and the whole room was cleaned. All of Jacob's stuff was gone. Only my stuff was there. I Can't believe he is serious about this. You would think he'd get over it.

I Think this is 65% of my fault. But the other 35% is his for no just trusting me. I took my phone off of Airplane Mode. 2 Minutes later, my messages and miss calls popped up. I Didn't bother looking over Brian's text. But there was a missed call from Dom. I Called Back.

''Brielle!?'' He almost screamed sounding scared to death.

''Yes?''. ''Where the hell were you? You got me worried''.


''Jacob told me he couldn't find you and you said you were going to get him''.

''Oh'' I Laughed a Little. ''Well I'm Fine''. ''Good, So You Ready For Tomorrow?'' ''Why? What's Tomorrow'' My Days here yet far have been so bad that I Forgot about anything else I Was gonna do. ''Bella's Birthday! Duh''. ''Oh Yea!'' Oh Shit.

''I Have to go get her a present today. Is Jasmine busy?''. ''I Don't Know, I Got to ask her when she come back from Dropping the kids off''. ''There she go now''.

I Heard some backround noises and then her voice came through the phone. ''Hello?''. ''Hey Jas, are you doing anything today?''. ''No not really, I Was just going to go shopping for Bella's birthday''. ''Same! Let's go together''. ''Kay''. ''I will be there in 30''.

(Diggy POV) *From Last Night*

I Walked in and sighed.

They were sitting at the kitchen table. I Sat at the table and put my head in my hands. ''What the fuck is wrong with you?'' My dad asked. ''You Never put your hands on females, I Thought you learned that once with Raquel!'' My Mom yelled . ''I Know, I Know'' I Said between what they were yelling to me. I Just zoned them out after a while until I Heard one word that caught my attention. ''Wait What?''.

''I Said The Doctors said that she is a month and 3 weeks pregnant''. ''And she never told me!?''. ''Diggy calm your ass, I Guarantee that she didn't know either'' My Mom said trying to make feel better. ''Is that why she has been being an ass Lately!? I Mean how do you NOT know you're pregnant? I Mean if morning sickness and missing a whole month of your period doesn't make it More clear then I Don't know what does''.

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