I'm sitting on the playground's top
I'm looking down below at the dirt
I could die if I jumped now
I don't think it would even hurt
I've been coming to this playground for years now
I went to this school as a child
I took for granted the ease of being a kid
Life was so gentle, peaceful, and mild
I've never been up here, though
Twenty feet above the ground
I'd bet if i jumped now, I could die without a sound
You see, I'm just like the others
Those other girls and boys
I'll die just like the others
Quiet...No noise
I won't even be missed
I have no real friends anyways
It's not like you'll ever miss me
You'll forget me after a few days
I'm sitting atop the playground
I'm looking at the dirt
I think I should jump now
I'm tired of being hurt
I just want to leave now
Please just leave me alone
I want to do this
I want to go home
But as I sit on the playground's top
A boy comes by, a boy I once knew
An old friend, I guess you could say
But now he's a jock, and he's ben distant, so far away
What the hell are you doing up there?
He's shouting, he's just so loud
Of course, now he'll talk to me
Of course, he acts like he cares now
Get down, you're going to fall!
No, I don't think I am
I'm going to leave this dump
I don't think I'm going to fall
I know I'm going to jump
I stand up with my arms out
The wind pulls at my hair
It tugs on me gently
Come on, get down from there
I take one last glance at the boy now
The boy I haven't seen in years
I take one glance at the boy now
I see that he's in tears
Don't do it, please!
Don't jump from there!
Don't do it? But it won't hurt
Don't jump? But all I want
Is to leave this horrid Earth
He climbs up the rope ladder
I put one foot in the air
He on the landing, he's near me now
I step into empty air
I mean to jump down headfirst
It's the only way to be sure
I don't want to fall and not actually leave
That might actually hurt
But as I fall, and I near the ground
I'm yanked from my decent
He caught my arm as I tumbled down
His hold does not relent
Why can't he just let me go?
Why won't he let me fall?
He doesn't even know me anymore
But when I look into his eyes, it's the childish memories I recall
But I'm not a child anymore
And that is why I was here
I grew up, and went through hell doing so
That's why I see my reasoning as crystal clear
I try to shove him away from me
But I know it won't do anything
He caught me, stopped me...
He saved me?