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Dear, whatever, screw this.

As I lay in my bed at the Avengers hidden quarters, where my dad insist I stay,
Im thinking over how screwed up I am I
How screwed up my life is.
I'm thinking about my childhood
about how I miss my ,
Though there weren't many.

Whenever someone says , all that comes to mind is the word 'Winchesters'. Sure I had other than them,  like Ellen and Jo, ash, Kevin, and Benny,
but I loved them the most.

as you might have seen I said loved.

let me explain my story...

I haven't lived with my father all that long, not until recently.
About 2 years ago almost.

When I was a child my mother was murdered by angels.

I'm an abomination.

My uncle sent me to an old, or shall I say, "to-be-friend".

Robert singer.

He raised me from about the age of 3, to about the age of 17.
I'm now 22

uncle Gabe was, well let's just say he was, funny.

He was smart though.

my grace was not activated until recently, and it's still not fully activated.

before he fought my uncle lucifer,
who may I say was not that bad...
He took some of his grace and enclosed it for me and stored we're only I could find it.

Now I have hidden it in spot were only he could get to it.

I wish I could thank him and slap them at the same time. I never got to say goodbye or thank you. To him or Bobby. Bobby's gone, , pietro, samandriel, Michal, lucifer, Anna, Jo, kevin, ash, ellen. Pretty soon everyone I love, will be dead......

But I can't lose anyone else. Especially not the boys, my boys .

With john always gone, and me living with Bobby, I spent a lot of time with them.

We grew close.
Especially sam and i.
Man do I miss him.

"Hey Ellie." my dad said.

"hi dad"

"Hey, Baby girl, what's wrong?" He said comeing up to me, and sitting next to me, taking my hand in his.

"Oh just thinking about stuff..."

"Like what?"

"Oh, just how my best friends think I'm dead and I'm really just also messed up daughter you know the usual."

"El," he said, giving me a sympathetic look.
"why don't you go see these friends, ypu miss so much?"

"Because I love them too much and I won't let myself hurt them too."

I think this went nicely.
I'm putting next chapter up in a couple of minutes.

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