Chapter 1: Say Something (songfic chapter)

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I sat in the back of the Impala with Sam as we were on our way back from a hot gone wrong...

Stupid werewolves and their stupid Claws and built bodies.

Four deep gashes 3 broken ribs, excessive amounts of blood loss, and a broken leg.

Yup, and it was damn painful


"sam I'm trying, the hospital Is still 15 minutes away, an I'm at full speed!"

'say something I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you'

*flashback in a flashback(lame ik)*

"SAM MOVE!" I yelled as I jumped in at the werewolf that was lunging towards sam.

it landed on top of me, crushing my ribs. Once it landed all I could hear was the blood coursing through my veins.

'any where I would have followed you'

"Hey, hey, hey, Ellie, stay awake. We're almost there. Okay, El? El! Keep you eyes open!" sam said as he shook me lightly, to keep me from closeing my eyes for to long.

They were fluttering shut.

"I'm sorry sam..."

"Elizabeth May Rogers!" my eyes opened.
"you stay awake, your not done here yet." Dean said, reaching back with one hand to hold on of mine.

"But... But Dean..... I'm, I'm so tired, and you know how I get when i-i get tired." I said drousily

"Ellie, I'd rather have you as an asshole, then not at all."

Dean pulled into the ER section of the hospital, and jumped out and called for help.

One moment I was bridal style in almost crying sams arms, and the next second I was on a gernie with nurses.
Neither of the boys were with me.

That's when I flipped out

'and I will swallow my pride
It was over my head
I know nothing at all'

At this moment in time I couldn't breathe for two reasons, I was having a panic attack, and two, I had to much blood in my lungs to even hyperventilate.

Sounds fun right?!?



I thought I was done for,for sure.

But next thing I know, I'm in a white Room, in an ugly white dress with tiny flowers on it, and so many tubes and stiches on me I can't even count on my fingers and toes.

I attempted to stand, but ended up falling.

First, I couldn't feel my legs, now, I can barely, if not at all, breathe.

"Sam! HELP!" I managed to choke out before a bunch of nurses and doctors rushed in.

Right before it went black agian, I saw a crying sam, and I very tired looking Dean.

'say something I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you'

" hey Elizabeth it's just Sam again..." I heard as I tried to respond but my eyes were like cement.
" I don't know how long the doctor will be willing to keep you on life support. it's been two weeks, since you last woke up...
El, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault, if I would have been more careful...
It would have then fine, it would have been me here and not you..." sam said sadly.
I felt something warm on my hand.

My first thought was blood. But it wasent sticky like blood.
Sam was crying.

'any where I would of followed you
Say something I'm giving up on you'

"Hey Sammy... We have an issue." I heard Dean say.

" oh god." Sam said
" no, no no no, no. It has to be wrong, no way. And her dad is on his way here? No, she can't leave, I won't let her no."

" sam, we don't have a choice.
he wants her, and we can stop him.
I as unhappy as you are, but we have to, at least now she's got a chance at new life, a life out of hunting." Dean said calmly.

" I'm getting the impala, I'll leave you to say your goodbyes." Dean said after giving me a "hug" and kiss on the forehead.

'say something I'm giving up on you'

"Ellie, Elizabeth May.
I love you with all my heart and soul. I love you. I always will, & I am, so so so so sorry this happened to you." Sam said. Giving me a hug and a kiss on the lips.

That was the last thing I felt.

His warm, but chapped lips, on my cold, soft lips.

Until I woke up.

Surrounded by 8 people who I have never seen before.

"Elizabeth? Are you Elizabeth May Rogers?" the one with a eye patch asked

"Yes, why? Who are you?" I asked with a scratchy voice.

"Ellie, I'm your father, Steve." my dad said.

'say something......'

**flashback over **

I woke up with my head on my dad's chest, his heart rate steady.

I got up silently, not waking up the light sleeper that he is.

"Hey uncle Tony." I said flashing a fake smile

"Hey kiddo. Whats up. Wheres your dad?"

"he fell asleep in my room... Talking about stuff."

"okay well wake him up soon, we have to start a new mission soon."

"okay uncle Tony, will do."

" Hey" he said walking over to me and engulfing me in his arms.
"It gunna be okay, I promise, okay?"


" I love you kid." ue said walking away

"love you to uncle Tony."

Okay so idk where I'm going with this

Bur I have all my chapters pre-written on paper and I'm working on four RN. So K Ily
. Elizabeth May❤

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