Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: This is just a fan-fiction, all rights go to Rick Riordan.

Cyclone/Percy POV

I walk out to the beach and sit down putting my feet in the water, instantly I relax. Since arriving at Earth I've felt a insistent need to get to water, like an itch I couldn't scratch.

"Can you tell me about Percy? Or me, whichever you like." I ask Jason, who had sat down next to me.

"You were the most loyal person I knew, you'd do anything to save a friend, Athena once told you that you'd end the world to save a friend. You were the leader of this camp," Jason spreads his hands. "That's why I wanted to tell them you were back, losing you was a really blow to the camp. We had a hard time coping without you, we still do actually. The second great Prophecy you were in, there were seven of us. Me, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, you and Annabeth." Jason glances at me, obviously expecting a reaction from that last name, while I do feel an emotion, whether it be sorrow or love, maybe both, I'm not sure, I didn't show it. "Hera said you were the glue, you kept us together, you kept everyone together. You were also the praetor at the roman Camp for a while, you weren't even there for a month and you still got made praetor," Jason shakes his head in astonishment. "I hadn't known you all that long when you disappeared because I was at the roman camp all my life, so a lot of what I know is second-hand information. If you would tell someone else I could tell you who knows you best?" Jason sighs when I shake my head. "There are still people looking for you, Nico di Angelo and his boyfriend have been all over the world to many times to count, the underworld to. The lord of the wild has everyone looking keeping a lookout, if there is even so much as a hint of you he's there.

"Leo and Calypso have been trying to make a device to track you, and I've heard your father has all everyone in his domain keeping an eye out for you as well. In fact," Jason grimaces. "You may have just alerted some of his people to your presence." When that statement gets no reaction from me he turns towards me. "You knew he'd sense your presence." I nod. "Why?"

"Loose ends. I would've been in the water eventually, most of this planet is water. This way it's on my terms, I have someone who knows the old me, the new me, and my father with me. It'll help to get him to not say anything."

Eyes wide, Jason shakes his head. "Percy, you have no idea-" He gets cut short by several flashes behind us. Slowly, I turn my head. "What you have just done." Jason finishes quietly. Behind us stands the 12 Olympians along with Hades, Hestia and Hecate.

"I was not expecting this." I state. Jason face-palms.

"Percy?" I stand up and look at Poseidon, my father looked to be in his late 50's, white hair, white beard, in khaki's, a polo shirt and sandals. Poseidon, storm-bringer, earth-shaker, was a haggard old man.

"Poseidon," I nod to my Father. What catches my off guard is him running forward and hugging me. He doesn't seem to notice me stiffen.

"I'm sorry my son, I should've told you under better conditions. I should've brought you to my palace and made sure you didn't do something reckless." I pull back, and stare at him quizzically. Maybe the old god has lost his mind, the Greeks aren't known for apologizing. I doubt he has every apologized for the storms that sailors have to go threw, 'Oops sorry, Zeus just made fish for supper got a little upset there for a minute'.

"He doesn't remember," Jason states from behind me.

"What?" Athena asks.

"He lost his memories, before you guys crashed our party I was telling who he was. He doesn't remember being Percy Jackson."

"How?" Athena asks Jason.

"Maybe you should ask him." Jason nods to me, the gods turn to me as if they had forgotten I was here.

"I am unsure," I shrug. "The first thing I remember is a god standing in front of me telling me my name, Cyclone that is, and then he placed a sceptre over my heart and I was under his control for a while. When I woke up from that I was no longer on this planet and I had no real connection to this planet so I didn't come back."

"Then you became the Heir of Chaos?" Athena asks, Poseidon finally remembering my title steps back, my heart feels twisted for a second but I ignore it.

"Long story short, yes."

"Sounds like Loki, Norse god of mischief." Zeus mutters quietly. I still hear him and keep the name in my memory to check out later.

"Anyways, it was only in my plan to bring Poseidon here, and get him to tell no one, but since you all know now.." I pause, what do I want them to do? Jason looks hopeful. "I don't want you to tell anyone."

"We have to, the demigods will have hope if they know it's you Percy."

I feel my face go cold, all expression drained. I let bits of my power leak out and test the gods defences, by the looks on there faces they feel it. "And when the find out I'm not Percy?" I say, my voice flat. "Because I am not Percy Jackson, you forget that Percy is gone. You may get there hopes up but when Cyclone shines through any tidbit of Percy that is left in me it will crush them like the ants that they are. I am not kind, or compassionate or loyal. I am cold and calculated. I wont end the world to save a friend." That is directed at Athena, who pales. "Because I don't have any friends. Do you understand?" Slowly the gods nod there heads. I rein in my power. "Good, so it's settled. You wont tell anyone, if they find out good for them they deserve a prize or whatever, but no one will be told." Again they nod. I turn and beckon Jason with a wave of my hand. The gods flash out.

"Are they gone?" I ask quietly. Jason glances back, then nods. "Good, think they fell for it?" Jason gapes at me.

"Yo, superman, you hear me?" Understanding flickers in his eyes.

"Percy, I fell for it." I laugh.

"Great, that may delay the inevitable, they are a bunch of gossips. Whoever we are up against doesn't need to know who they are going up against, they could use it against me, and we really don't need that."

Jason chuckles. "You've grown very devious with old age."

I grin. "You have no idea."

Heir of Chaos (Percy Jackson fanfic, sequel to Siphoned)Where stories live. Discover now