Karkat x Reader: True Feelings

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You plopped on your bed and sighed.

Karkat. He was the only one on your brain most of the day. You just couldn't figure out why was he so grumpy all the time. You've had a crush on him for about ever and he never noticed you. And hopefully that'll end soon. You're pretty much too shy to talk to him and afraid of getting your feelings hurt. Tomorrow was Monday which means you have to go to shitty school. But it's not so shitty when Karkat is there.

It was going on 10pm and you didn't want to be tired in the morning. You got up and changed into your pjs and switched the light off. "Safe and peaceful sleeping." you thought as you climbed into your bed.

"BEEP. BEEP. BEEP." Your alarm clock buzzed.

You grunted and got up reluctantly. You grabbed your towel and your outfit that you were going to wear and went into the bathroom to shower.

Afterwards you brushed your teeth and curled your (h/c) hair.

"(y/n)! Breakfast!" Your mother called.

You rushed downstairs and looked at the clock. It's only 6:45 and school started at 7:00. Either way you didn't want to be late!

You scarfed down your pancakes, sausage and eggs. Told your mom goodbye and headed out the door.

Once you arrived at school you scoped out for Karkat or any of the trolls. Your best friend was Feferi who you got along with pretty well. She didn't really care about your blood differences or the fact that you're human. Unlike Equius. He didn't really like you.

"Feeeef!" You screeched as you ran to your best friend. "(y/n) hello!" She exclaimed. "Have you seen Karkat?" you asked. "Nope."

"Let me know if you do! Anyway I have Chemistry in 2 minutes! I'll see you at 2nd period!"

"Buh-Bye (y/n)!"

You hurried and put your stuff in your locker. You looked down 2 lockers down which was Karkat's. You sighed dreamily as you saw him walking down the hall to his locker. And he was with that Terezi girl. You didn't really care for her but she's cool and what not. Coming back to reality you realize you have less than a minute to get to Chem. You ran down the hallway and you made it in time for the bell.

Chemistry was a fun class. You always enjoyed mixing liquids and experimenting.

Once Chemistry was over you saw Karkat coming out of Drama. Drama was his favorite elective because all they do is watch movies, and Karkat sure does love Rom-Coms.

You wanted to talk to him but you're too awkward. Fef came up behind you and whispered, "Go for it." You became encouraged and started walking a bit faster to catch up with him.

"H-Hi Karkat!" you shyly said to him.

"What the fuck do you want." He boringly said.

"Uh. Nothing really. I just. I just want to know why you're so grumpy all the time"

While waiting for a response you turned to look back at Feferi and she gave you a thumbs up.

"Why do you want to know?" he said.

"I actually care about you Karkat."

"Why? I'm nothing but a worthless piece of shit.."

"No you're not. I bet you're actually a good guy deep inside."

"Thanks I guess. You're pretty nice, (y/n)."

"He knows my name!" you thought to yourself.


"You're welcome. Hey uh do you want to hang out after school?"

"Sure." you smiled

He walked off smiling. That's the first you've ever seen him happy, and being the reason that you've made him happy gave you a warm feeling.

You ran back to Feferi and told her everything. You both fangirled and hoped for the best.

After school...

"Hi (y/n)." Karkat said to you as you walked out of the school building"

"Hey Karkat. What's up?"

"Nothing, listen. I've had a flushed crush in you and I was too afraid to say anything. Yeah I know, I'm mean and much of a loner. But I'm not like that all the time. You probably hate me now.."

"Karkat. Really? I've had a flush crush on you too. And was too afraid to say anything. And Karkat no, I don't hate you at all."

"(y/n)?" he grabbed you softly by the waist


"Will you be my matesprit?"

"Yes Karkat. I'd like that."

He pulled you closer and kissed you passionately.

It finally happened. Who knew that Karkat Vantas would be your matesprit!

Then End.

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