chapter 5

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Ok so here is another chapter haha. Hope you like it im going to try to get in some action and maybe we will learn Jessie crushes name.

            The next morning I wake up and I’m the first one up. I didn’t want to be the only one up so I went and woke up Jessica. She yells at me but not loud enough to wake up mom. She’ll get over it I think to myself. Mom wakes up next and we are already done eating and so me and Jessica are just watching tv. Mom asks us why we are up so early.

“I woke up early and didn’t want to be alone so I woke up jess.” I tell her.

            We get to the bus stop and Kim and Mimi looks tired we all just stand there waiting for the bus. It arrives in the next 5 minutes. We get on and just ride to school in silence. We get to school and there is Sammy and matt.  I can see Sammy talk to someone and all I can see is the back of him. But I know exactly who it is.

            Me and Mimi (my right hand lady) walk up to them and say “hi”. Sammy looks at me and smiles and greets me and Mimi back. “Have you meet Sebastian yet. “No but we have 8th together” I say. I shook Sebastian’s hand and he could tell I was nervous. He smiles at me and I smile back looking into them beautiful blue eyes. He was also looking in mine.

Every one of my friends and Jessica was watching this. For some odd reason I think this was planed but who knows.  Then I caught Jessica crack a smile and then when the hand shake was over I told everyone I had to go to my locker. Nobody followed.  First all the way up to 4th period went by fast again and now I was in lunch with ever one including Sebastian. I got my lunch and sat down and waited for everyone. Then it happened Sebastian sat right in front of me. “You don’t mind if I sit here with you guys do you?” he asks me. “No I don’t mind at all” I think to myself. But when I said “no I don’t mind” out loud I said it nervously.

Mimi was the next to sit down thank god for my asian. I feel so much better. She sat right next to him though. Then Kim sat next. She sat on the other side of him. Sammy sat next to me and then Jessica sat next to. Matt was last to sit and he sat on the other said of Sammy. I took a bite or two out of my food it was pizza but I could not eat now that Sebastian was sitting right in front of me. I keep glancing at him, and I felt him glancing at me too. I felt kinda awkward but I guess it was ok since I get to be close to him.

After lunch was over me, Jessica, Kim and also Mimi walked each other to our lockers. Sammy, Matt, and Sebastian went to theirs. Everyone was looking at me giving me that look like umm why. I didn’t say anything. Then Jessica spoke up.

“So why didn’t you try to talk to him.”

“I was nervous.” I said in a scared voice hoping that she wouldn’t get mad. But she didn’t have a right to be any ways so who cares.

“Jessie I set you guys up.” she told me in a calm voice.

“I already knew that.”

She looks kinda surprised but I don’t know why we can read each other like a book, come on now we’re twins for the love of bob.  She keeps looking at me. So a grown and tell here fine ill talk to him in 8th. She looks happy and jumps up in the air with excitement. “My lil boys growing up” I can her sing. I walk away. I’m at my locker and I get my notebook. As I shut my locker and turn around I bump into someone and fall on the ground. “Ow” I whined. It was Sebastian; he turns around and looks down. “Omg I’m sorry” he apologizes. He helps me up and then ask if I was fine.

“I’m fine thanks”

He smiles at me and I smile back. Then we tell each other by and I say “see ya in 8th.” He grinned and waves by. “Now Jessica can’t say I have not talked to him. I talked to him just now and ill talk to him in 8th.” I think to myself.  I had to run to class because if I didn’t I would be late. I walk in the door and I barely made it. I took my seat next to Sammy.  I told him what happened and he smiled, and says “congrates” with a giggle.

ok this was my chapter to where a slowly heat things. I wounder what will happen next chapter.  Wee will see. Here is my fave face :3

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