Chapter 4

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-C H A P T E R   F O U R-

I entered the detention room, feeling like I might as well just drop down and die. There was an middle aged man with a tweed suit on sitting at the front desk. "Who are you?" he asked with a furrowed brow.

"Rory Adams." I told him. The teacher's voice was nasally and sounded as if he was holding his nose whilst he spoke. "I am Mr. Alabaster. Please, no talking and work on something productive like this one-hundred-seventeen page detention form I have made for each student." 

My brows raised as he handed me a thick, almost two inches, packet. It was so big, it was held together with a binder clip instead of a staple. "Good God." I mutter. "Please, Ms. Adams. Take a seat and begin answering the packet questions." he grinned while rubbing his pale colored hands together. 

"Sure thing." I said.

I decided to sit in the far left side seat, closest to the window. I took out a pen and read the first question on the packet. 

1. Why do you feel the need to misbehave so badly that punishment is necessary?

I felt my eyes squint as I slowly raised my head to look at Mr. Alabaster. "Are the serious questions?" I asked him bluntly. He cocked his head. "And why wouldn't they be miss?" his face was serious and held not a drop of humor. 

"Nothing, just these are a little weird." I shrugged. "And what is weird about them?" Mr. Alabaster leaned forward in his seat, planting his hands on the desk before him. "Never mind." I shook my head and began writing down my response. 

Because I wanted to.

The next question sounded even dumber. It asked if I did drugs or drank alcohol. What student would answer yes to that and risk getting expelled. I wrote down no. The other questions followed in a similar format. If I had sex in the past month. Why I liked ruining my eduction. 

All this time, Daniel never showed up. 

When I reached my tenth page, I finally spoke up. "Sir, is Daniel Shaw coming for this detention?" I asked. Mr. Alabaster glanced down at his clipboard an paper. "Well, he is on the roster." he said simply. I nodded and looked at the clock. 


Detention would end soon and he already missed the first half. I bet he was skipping. Sounds like something he was capable of. I gritted my teeth. Of course, I didn't have the guts t ditch. Not like I had plans or anything. 

I ened on page twenty two when detention was finally dismissed. "I will see you tomorrow  Ms. Adams." the teacher dismissed me. I gave him a flat look. "Oh joy." I said with little enthusiasm. I handed in my work and left the classroom. 

I still felt irritated how Daniel just ditched detention. I rounded the corner to my locker and saw a figure standing there. It was the boy from art class, Luca. I stopped, looking at him confused. Why was he standing there?

Gathering up my dignity and courage, I walked over as calm as I could. 

Luca looked up and grinned when he saw me there. "Oh, hey Rory!" he smiled happily. I waved and stood at my locker. "So, how was your day?" he asked politely. I unlocked my locker and took out a few things I needed. "Awful for the most part. You?" I asked the same.

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