Plants and Animals of Panem

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As mentioned in the series, there are many new plants and animals created by the Capitol during the Dark Days. It is said that they were used for the purpose of spying, attacking, etc. , but in the Modern day time they serve a purpose in the  Arenas.


The most well known, Mockingjays are a cross between mockingbirds and jabberjays. These birds can imitate any series of notes/songs. They are also a symbol of comfort and safety to the people within the Districts.


Jabberjays were created by the Capitol to spy on the districts. They can emit any voice, sound, or song after only hearing it once. As for modern Panem purposes, they can be used as punishment by recording the sounds of harmed loved ones.

General Mutts

Mostly used in Arenas, these animals can range from wolves to birds, and are usually extremely hostile. Mutts are programmed by Gamemakers to rip others to shreds, and are very beneficial in times of war.


Closely resembling blueberries, Nightlock is anything but. If you consume even one berry, you can die in less than a minute. Also an Arena must, it has had its fair share of killing just as much as any other tribute.

Tracker Jackers

A genetically modified yellow hornet (courtesy of the Capitol), these are EXTREMELY fatal. Tracker Jackers lives in hives, and will swarm whatever attempts to harm it. Being stung can produce hallucinations, nausea, and sometimes death.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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