Author's Note: So, brief warning to those who don't want our feel okay with what's going to happen now. First time having something like this, so hope this will be good. Hope so.
Lots of thanks to the one and only : Sixx_Feet_Under for co-writing this chapter with me! She wrote the lovin' part, 'cause I wasn' great on that. Hehehe, so lots of hugs and chocolate cookies for this little missy! :D
GO read her stories, they're awesome! :D
Yay! lets all have an ice cream party and dip on the pudding filled pool! Wohoo! xD
Yeah, maybe that's a little over the edge of bad. Um, so, just pay attention that I AM warning you about what's going to happen.
I'm telling you AGAIN, that this chapter contains boy on boy action. Meaning that if you don't want to read, or will dislike it, and will do something mean in response, then GO AWAY, and read something else.
Okay, now that I got that out of my system, Enjoy. (:
Chapter 14 : Dinner and dessert.
Recap: I shivered at the thought, me and Bryan. Alone, in his house. Oh, my god, this is going to be interesting.
Third Person P.O.V.
“Close your eyes,” Bryan uttered into Brandon’s ear in a subtle whisper, carefully pressing his lips on the side of his mouth. Almost a kiss.
Obediently doing as he was told, Brandon closed his eyes, but not before groaning in annoyance.
"You can tell me you know, I don't like being surprised so much. It's scary not knowing," Brandon protested, as he felt a soft material being place over his eyes.
"Surprises aren't so bad, and just in case you'll want to peak, I'm putting extra protection against your sneaky eyes," Bryan said, as he tightened a bit the bandana he had used to put over Brandon's eyes.
"Ugh, whatever, but this better be fast, I have homework to tend to," Brandon grunted, as he folded his arms in front of himself. Yes, he was actually already thinking of peaking just a little to see what Bryan was fussing all over.
Right after they had finished their little playtime, Bryan has been getting a little suspicious to Brandon. When he had tried going upstairs, to Bryan's room to leave his stuff, and start on his homework, Bryan stopped him.
Was Brandon a little annoyed that Bryan was all up on his grill? Most definitely, but he was also rather curious as to why he wasn't letting him come out of his room afterwards. Hm, he must be hiding something from me, was one of Brandon's first assumptions, and god was he right.
After several minutes of whining and bickering, Brandon finally agreed to close his eyes, well that is after Bryan let him be and finish his English worksheet, though he still has some more work to finish, it wasn't exactly do for the following day, so he was pretty much okay for the moment.
Steadily walking forward, being guided by a warm hand holding his, Brandon was being led to whatever the surprise was. What was the surprise you may ask? Well, I guess you'll have to find out along with our dear Brandon.
"Hey, stop with the pulling, you're making this blindfolded thing seem like more of a health hazard than a lovely way to hide a surprise from my eyes!" Brandon yelped, when he stumbled and almost fell head first on the floor.