Vikklan : Football Star

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Quick little info.

One - this is americana football. So quick explanation of football, ^ this is the field ^. Each team has an end zone. The goal is to get the football into the end zone, for 6 points. If the kicker can get the ball in a goal, they get an extra point. Lachlan is a line backer. He tackles people. There are four quarter in the game. Between the 2nd and 3rd quarter there is halftime. When the football field becomes the marching band field. Got it? Yes you do.

Two- their team is the Vikings.

Vikk's POV

It was fourth quarter with 9 seconds to go. The other team had the ball, and they were only 7 yards away from the end zone. We both had one play to make it count. With the clock counting down, the whole team got in position and the referees blew the whistle telling them they were able to continue on with this play.

My eye was on my boyfriend the whole team.

My wonderful boyfriend of two years, Lachlan, was playing in todays game. I was standing on the side line, watching for the final play of the game.


Eighty two

Burrito (hehe)

Ready set, hut,


And it began the blur of our colors, red and blue, and theirs, purple and light blue, clashing helmets, and bodies thrown to the ground. And yet my eyes were on number 56. Lachlan easily took down the kid he was assigned; the kid was a head smaller than my babe.

Once down with the opponent, Lachlan leaped forward to the one player with the ball, the quarterback. Before the quarterback had a chance to react, he was pushed to the ground. The clock counted down to 0 and the announcers screamed.


The whole visitors site erupted in screams, hollers and whistles. The rest of the team not on the field began to scream and chant while the team on field dog pile onto Lachlan for what he just did. I was happily jumping with my friends, Mitch and Jerome, two other boys on the team. we were screaming when the team got off of Lachlan and running towards us, I got a lot of yells and even a hug from Adam Dahlberg. It was only last when Lachlan finally appeared in my vision. He saw me, ripped off his helmet and ran over to me.

He stopped right in front of me, and leaned down to pull me in for a long, passionate kiss. Everyone in the back were going ballistic, but they both aw'ed and began clapping.

We pulled apart and I said,

"You did amazing."

"Thank you Vikk."

He grabbed my hand and we walked off the field with the rest of the winning team. We walked to the locker rooms and the rest of the boys began getting into normal clothes. I was alright dressed appropriately, so I just waited for my friends. Eventually, Preston Rob and Lachlan came out fully dressed. We walked over to the visitors side, since this was not our school. Behind the bleachers, was some small concrete steps. So all of us sat down on the steps. About 5 minutes into the 2nd quarter, Mitch and Jerome came over and sat with us. All six of us just talked for the whole game. By the end of the game, Preston Mitch and I were all snuggled into our boyfriends side. After the game ended everyone piled out of the field while the football team piled onto the school buses. I ran over to the coach and helped him pile the gear into the undercarriage of the bus. Once everything was tightly pack, we sat down and started the bus ride home. The bus ride was about an hour long so, I got comfortable. But it was not too long before another boy, Crainer, came over and asked for some help in math.

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