Wooflan - I Need A Drink

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Break Up AU


Rob and Preston had been in a relationship for a year before Rob caught Preston with a woman in his bed. Rob then moved out and into his own apartment. Lachlan also lives in Texas and did YouTube with Preston before the incident. Now Lachlan and Rob record with each other.

Rob's POV

With thick fluffy comforters engulfing my body and a dark room, I could watch Netflix uninterrupted. When you are half way through the Sherlock seasons, you can't just stop. So with pizza coming in 20 minutes and no one else to interrupt, I can just

'ring ring ring'

I look over to my laptop as it started up and showed the icon of Lachlan's face. Glaring blue, it wanted me to accept Lachlan's Skype invitation.

Not now Lachlan, I can't accept.

'ring ring ring'

'ring ring ring'

'ring ring ring'

'ring ring ring'

Finally Lachlan stopped calling. I can't record now. I wrapped the fluffy blankets around me so only my head stuck out.

'vibrate vibrate vibrate'

No. I swear to god if that is Lachlan.

'vibrate vibrate vibrate'

I could feel my phone vibrate from inside of my hoodie pocket, and it was distracting me from the show. I adjusted and pulled out my phone. I quickly paused the episode and check the messages.

Lachlan - Rob

Lachlan - I need to Skype you.

Lachlan - Rob get up.

Lachlan - You have no job, so answer my texts.

Lachlan - Rob please.

Lachlan - Robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

Unknown Number - Dear Rob, Its Preston. I wanted to tell you I screwed up bad time, and I know I hurt you but if we could just .... click to read more.


How dare Preston just text me like that. I don't even want to read more from him. That bitch cheated on me. In my own bed. And he has the guts to text me out of the blue and ask for forgiveness.

The only thing I was give Preston is a broken nose.


Lachlan - Rob can we go for a drink? I am bored

You know what? Yeah.

Rob - Yes Lachlan I will be right there. Give me ten minutes.

I throw the blanket off me and wander over to my closet. I don't think sweatpants and a loose sweatshirt are 'drinking' attire. So maybe a nice shirt and some jeans are better.

I quickly changed and shut off the TV before grabbing my wallet and my phone. Lachlan lived really close so I could just walk there.

I stuck my hands in my pockets and walked the way there in the nice warm weather of Texas. People passed me, chatting about anything while I walked quickly out of the way.

Lachlan lived in an apartment complex in the middle of the block. It is six stories tall with brick siding. Each apartment has a little open balcony including chairs and tables or whatever they wanted on it.

So when I got to the block I immediately recognized the tall blonde man on his balcony. He looked nice. He was wearing an outfit similar to mine, a light blue polo (that brought out his eyes) and some jeans. He was leaning on the balcony looking out at the street.

I walked straight out to the sidewalk in front of the building and waited. Lachlan seemed to be scanning the crowd so he must look at me at some point. People weaved their way around me as I looked up and waited for the dork to notice me.

I watched his facial expressions rapidly change as he made eye contact with me, finally.

Lachlan quickly shifted off of the railing and onto his feet as he shuffled back into his humble abode. Once he was out of my eye sight, I walked over to the large door that entered his building.

I walked through and waved at the building manager, George. He smiled and I walked over to the elevator and hit the up button. I patiently waited as the elevator dialed down to the home floor. As the elevator slid up, I could see Lachlan, trying to act like he didn't see me.

"Lachlan, just stop that tell me hello."

"Hello Robert.," he said with a cheeky smile "I didn't expect to run into you today."

"And I didn't expect to kick you in the balls, but..."

"No. Don't"

"Okay okay okay now knock it off, why'd you wanna get drinks?"

"Long day, why'd you accept?" Lachlan said as the elevator reached the second floor.

As it slid open, I walked out and grabbed my phone to show him the text. I knew how to get to Lachlan's, so I didn't look up until I found it. I handed him the phone as he began to open up the apartment.

"No. Preston sent you this. That little fucker. He cheats on you and than texts you saying he wants you back. I don't know if I have anything stronger enough for that, alcohol wise."

"That's okay. Anything will work." I said sitting down on one of Lachlan's barstool as he handed me an opened beer.

"Well, a toast must be given.
*clears throat*
I hope Preston gets hit by a bus after everyone disowns him and then his lifeless body is fed to wolves."


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