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(A/N) The dedication for this chapter is for @helium_ and @8tracks !

Message for helium_ : YOU ARE FREAKING AMAZING! You gave me some REALLY good ideas for comebacks/insults and I hope you can help me make this.

Message for 8tracks : YOU ARE TOO! Your books gave me inspiration to make this and to that I say thank you! I hope you can help some too.

So yeah thanks guys! So here we go


My gym teacher screamed as dark blood oozed from the large, jagged cut I made from my 5 inch long ( newly painted ) nails on his neck and I laughed.

Soon Mr. Hatter stopped screaming and looked blankly at the ceiling of his modern styled living room. I started to cut his chest with my nails to make letters. I enjoyed how the blood oozed from the new wounds and dropped into the carpet floor.

That'll be a bitch to clean up later I think as I finish carving the last letter ino the soft flesh of his chest. He REALLY needs to start working out in Hell it looks like he's a pregnant whale I think as I observe my artwork.

The words Violence Is Always The Answer are carved into his chest. I do that chef 'perfection' gesture and bend down to finish my meal. I feel my razor-sharp teeth prick at my lip , making it bleed.

I smiled bon appetite

I scrub my red hair as if I could just wash away the horrible memories from this night with soap and water. I sigh why me? Why do I have to live with killing people? It's not like I have a choice i try to remind myself it's just that if you don't both you AND nails dies.

Pessimistic brain I think as I step out the shower and look in the bathroom mirror.

I see a girl about 17 with red hair and yellow eyes that's usually hidden with blue contacts. She's always been a big nerd and always loved to read. To most people she would be considered pretty but that was always drowned out by her fear of getting abandoned again and nerdy clothing.

Loser I think as I turn away from the mirror . My eyes prick with tears and I leave the bathroom so that I don't cry.

Welcome to my crap-tastic life

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