Part 1

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"Sometimes, when I have to do something I don't want to do, I pretend I'm a character from a book. It's easier to know what they would do."


I never expected this.

     I knew seeing him again would break me, and knowing he was gonna be here made me sick. Deciding against trying to impress him I grabbed my hoodie and walked out the door, my converse slapping against the ground as I made my way out the door and into the cold, rainy afternoon.

    I tossed my keys in the air catching them as I walked down the stairs of my porch, and unlocking the door of my car. Quickly getting into the warmth of my car I blasted the warm air into my face turning the keys to start it up. Pulling out of my drive way I began thinking if it was even worth it, going back to school.

      I've been gone for almost 3 weeks and knowing my school everyone thought I was either to much of a pússy to come back, or they thought I was dead.  I was hoping for the first one but after hearing all the rumors about my absence from Katy I knew that wouldn't be the case.

    I wasn't so worried about the rumors, rather than who told them, knowing him he probably said the worst things about me and I was honesty scared to go back. The dark circles under my eyes proved I haven't been sleeping well and I hoped to god no one would notice.

     Pulling into the parking lot of school I could feel the dread in my bones. Knowing i didn't have much of a choice anymore I quickly reached for my bag in the back seat and got out of the car locking it behind me. Getting here at 1 o' clock I knew I'd have to park in the farthest parking place because everything would be filled. Walking up to the high school I could already smell the drama in the air.

    I knew me returning would spread like wildfire in the halls. Walking up to the doors of Nathaniel high school, I mentally prepared myself for the 3 weeks of all the bullshit I missed. Opening the doors i saw a few students running towards their classes, thankfully none of them seeing me yet i walked into the office.

     I saw Miss. Rinehart's eyes widen as i stepped into the room, I just smiled at her knowing she's most likely already heard of the news. She looked like she's seen a ghost as I walked up to the desk. She attempts to open her mouth to what I assume was to say something but she ends up looking like a fish, big eyes and her mouth agape.

"Hello Miss. Rinehart, been awhile." I winced at my crackly voice, It's been a long day, between begging my mom to let me stay home and my tears of struggle as I remembered all the homework I have missed I didn't question why my voice sounded like A cat dying.

"Oh! Hello Jordan! How have you been, haven't heard from you in awhile!" Miss. Rinehart began. I could hear the question in her voice at my sudden leaving 3 weeks ago and she probably was informed of the rumors.

"I've been good, but could you give me a pass? I think I've already missed enough school this year." I attempted to joke, I twirled my hair between my fingers as I awaited her answer.

"Oh! Of course," I watched her shaky fingers type something into the small computer screen, "and there you are! Have a good rest of the day sweetie!" I winced at the amount of sweetness in her voice, almost as though she meant the complete opposite of what she had said. I didn't mind, knowing the rumors that have gone around I doubt anyone would want to see my face ever again.

I just nodded and smiled as I turned around and began the rest of my walk into hell. My hands were sweaty with nervousness as I descended into the lower part of the school where Mr. Greens classroom was.

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