Part 3

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"The thing about her, is that she was happy alone. everyone around her was looking for a connection and something to grasp onto, but she was happy being free."


      I ended up leaving school early that day, with my stress rising to probably terrifying levels I decided it was best to head out for a little coffee. Compared to our larger town this coffee shop was insufficient, barley anyone visited the place anymore expect for the occasional 'I'm late for work and can't function without caffeine so I'll stop here' customers.

        But oh how I loved the pale yellow walls and the sickly sweet smell of burnt pastries because the cook they hired was more or less terrible. It reminded me of my childhood, not even in a 'my parents took me here everyday' thing it was almost like a 'miss something I've never had' feeling.

       The soft cling of metal alerted the workers of my presence and they instantly perked up.

      "Oh Jordan! Hello, how have you been?", asked Miss Mary, the owner of this small piece of work.

      "Miss Mary I've been great, how about you? and how's rascal doing?", I questioned, rascal was her 7 year old hound dog, he's been sick as well, a dog.

       "All is well, the vets have asked again about sending him away, I keep telling them I could never part with Rascal. He's blind sure, but he sure is a fighter! and he can still sniff out any unwanted guests lurking around my farm house!", she said flustered, I felt bad for her Rascal was all she had left with her son dying in a car accident a few years ago.

      "Ah but enough about me! What brings you here?" She asked while motioning me over to the cashier.

      "Nothing really, just in the mood for some coffee." I smiled while she started talking to the boy behind the counter.

      "Now you get this young ladies order, and if you mess this one up i'll have to wack you 2 times harder upside the head. Your mama told me to put you to work so thats what I plan to do!" Miss Mary went on. I guess he was a family friend.

      "I"m not planning on messing this one up." The male behind the counter said with a cringe worthy smirk, "so what would it b-", the sound of the door opening echoed through the small room.

     I could already feel his presence, just my luck, of course he would come here.

     "Oh hello!", Miss Mary said in a cheerful voice. I kept my back turned to him, maybe he wouldn't see me, maybe he would just walk out.

     "Hello Mary." I heard the deep voice say, "how are you today?"

     "Oh I'm doing just fine! Now come on in and get some coffee!", Miss Mary said in a hurried voice while walking toward the front.

     "Ma'am? What type of coffee would you like?", I snapped out of my daze and turned to the cashier who still had the smirk on his face.

     I nodded, still afraid to look behind me I stepped closer to the counter.

      "I would like just a regular coffee please." I said close to a whisper.

      "And can I have a name? Possibly a number?" He asked with a cocky attitude.

     "My names Jor-."

      "Adian, the name would be Adian, and I'll be paying." I heard a deep voice state from behind me.

      "Excuse me?", I turned around just to hit my nose into a hard chest, "I can pay for my own coffee!". I glared up at him.

      "I know.", Adian said simply while looking down at me. His hands slowly found there way onto my hips while he leaned down so his warm breath fanned against my ear.

      "But I want to pay for you, and with that little boy staring at you like he wants to take you right here I decided to show him what's mine doesn't get to be looked at." He growled into my ear. His hands tightened their grip on my waist while he spoke.

      "Um, sir? Would that be all.", the cashier said, the smirk no longer on his face.

       "I would like another coffee, black." Adian stated while glaring at the boy.

      "O-of course, sir.", the boy said while typing it all into the small computer screen.

      "You ass! I can pay for myself, why are you even here?! Are you following me? I never thought of you as a stalke-"

       "Shut up." He voiced while shifting his glare down to me.

       "Why you! Don't you dare speak to me like that! You small headed rich piece of shit!", I spat at him while pushing him away from me and heading towards the bathrooms.

      I barley made it a couple of steps before warm hands gripped my sides pulling me into a hard chest. I let out a aggravated sigh as I stumbled back, I opened my mouth to speak but before I could I was pushed into the bathroom, the heavy door slamming shut behind us.

      "Why don't you be a good little girl and let me buy things for you?", He whispered into my ear.

      "One, because i'm not a little girl, and two, because I can pay for my own things. I don't need a cheating little bitch buying my things.", I hissed out, my cheeks on fire from embarrassment and anger all at the same time.

       "You better watch you language princess, I'll have to wash your mouth out with soap.", He laughed while pushing me up against the nearest wall.

      "Do you get off on throwing girls into walls or is it just me?", I said while attempting to duck out of his arms, no use.

      "It's only you babe.", He smirks.

      "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or if I should be calling the police.", I spoke while pushing my hands against his chest, though that was a bad idea because he suddenly gripped my wrists in his rough hands and turns us around so he was the one against the wall along with me pressed against him.

      "Do you get turned on pushing guys into walls or is it just me?", He said with a wide smirk on his face.

      "I-I..", He laughed and released my wrists.

      "I do think we should get out of this small bathroom, people would start to believe we are doing not very age appropriate things in here." His eyes shown with mischief as he open the door and left with a laugh.

      I felt almost dizzy, but all I could think about was how my coffee was probably cold by now.

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