One Weird Night

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I sat on the cot and fell asleep. I was waiting my arrival at the fridge which is worse than the sandbox. I sighed. I only acted tough, I'm quite easy to upset I just hide it well. Want my back story well you're in for a treat but let's visit my dream first.

I was in a forest with only a black dress. It was peaceful I wanted to stay forever. A white fog swept in. I backed up. The forest had no noise not even creatures or wind as the fog came in. Two figures walked out hand in hand. One had short brown hair and a white dress with wings. The other a tall man towering over her with black hair and a white and blue suit. I knew them. My parents. I smiled as they walked to me.

"Jaylah.." My mother said. Her voice soft and gentle. I closed my eyes and dipped my head. "Mother..Father.." I looked up with joy in my eyes. Something I haven't felt for awhile. It felt good. "What are you doing?" My father asked. I looked down realizing what I have down. "I-I'm surviving... I'm trying to fill that void... since that day. So far it works very little." "Jaylah Honey this is not the answer. The void can only be filled with something that makes you happy. Thats all we want for our little girl." My father lifted up my chin.

I nodded. "But I can never make up for what I've done now there's no turning back. It's too late...." I turned. My mother walked in front of me her hand on my shoulder. It felt like a cool autumn breeze. She looked down at me. "It's never to late. Tell Phil and Nick what they need and maybe just maybe if you're good they will accept you."

I shook my head tears threatening to pour out of my eyes. "They only want to get the information and lock me up." I smirked. My mother looked at me worriedly. My father moved his hand in a circle in the air. An image came up then it moved and talked. "If only she did as she's told she would make a great hero." Nick sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "I agree." Phil nodded. It disappeared. I was raised better than to kill to act the way I have been acting. I finally broke down in tears.

"You can never make up for what you've done but you can change and help others to help yourself. Be the hero we know you are." My father said brushing a tear away. I nodded. "What about the Avengers?" I asked. "Don't worry we know some people." My mother smiled. A voice started to interrupt. "Looks like it's time to go." My mother said happily. "NO please don't go!" I reached out for them only finding myself awakening.

"Mrs. Renner.... Mrs.Renner." I blinked my eyes open finding Steve waking me up. "Steve?" I asked. He smiled slightly. "We need to talk." He said. I looked around. I saw a camera smashed. "Why?" I asked. "I had a dream..." He said taking me off guard before remembering. "So did I." I replied pulling my knees up. "Let me guess your parents?" He asked. I nodded. "Me too. They told me you were gonna change today. I trust them, but can I trust you?" He asked. I looked down for a minute before looking up and taking my necklace off. "This is the only thing I have of my parents. It is very special I never take it off or let anyone touch it." I said putting it in his hand.

"When you trust me bring this back and I will trust you too." I folded his fingers over it. "Do not and i repeat ever bring it back until then." I stared into his eyes. They were a piercing blue like the sky. He nodded understanding. Steve got up and walked to the door. "Goodbye Kellan." He said. I replied, "Tell fury or phil I'm ready to talk please and good night." I nodded to him. I laid back down resting my eyes.

Tomorrow will be totally different than yesterday. I fell into a peaceful sleep. I awoke to the smell of coffee. I slowly opened my eyes seeing Phil sitting there with two mugs. I smiled politely. "Good morning Phil." I got up and sat at the table. "Good morning. Roger's informed me you're ready to talk what happened?" He asked curious. "I had a dream." I took a sip of the bitter liquid. He looked at me confused before continuing.

Steve P.O.V

I watched through the newly repaired camera. She never declined to not answer but when she didn't know she tried her best. I fiddled with the necklace in my hand. The pendent was a bird on fire with a heart around it. Last night was weird like something changed like the world wasn't going to be the same.

The words she said last night rang in my head. 'When you trust me bring this back and I will trust you too. Do not and I repeat ever bring it back until then.' I stared at the necklace. Though she attacked us and tried escaping I still think she's a good person on the inside. "Steve. Hey Steve yoo hooo..." Tony waved a hand in front of my face. I looked up. "So what do you think about her?" Natasha asked. I shrugged putting the necklace away.

They looked at me confused before turning back to their conversation. I was the first to notice Phil come in. "Well she gave us all the information we need and more. I will talk to Fury." Phil said walking off shaking his head confused and mumbling. I spun around and got up. I had to clear my head. These grey walls and people didn't help. I went outside and stood on the roof. The base was in a forest. The only thing heard was the humming of the engines but it was faint and the rustling of the leaves.

I looked at the necklace one last time. She said this is her most important item, the only thing she had left of her parents. Why would she risk something so important to her? She must of really had a change of heart. "Steve we're having a meeting. What's that?" Clint asked pointing at the silver chain. "Nothing." I replied putting it in my pocket.

He nodded. I followed him into the base and to the conference area. Everyone but Tony, Bruce and Fury were sitting. I sat in a chair. "Well I have good news and bad news." Fury said. "Let's hear the bad first." Tony said. "She will be under your watch until said so which means she's moving into Stark Tower." Fury said. Natasha and Clint stood up angrily. "WHAT?!" Natasha fumed. I took a step back, just in case. "Good news is that she may of had a change of mind. If it's an act I give you permission to execute her." He replied making Natasha sit. Clint still quiet mad stood by me.

I nodded agreeing. Last night was weird but it meant something. The doors opened and entered the hand cuffed woman. Her brown hair sat on her shoulders perfectly. Her hazel eyes looked around the room before landing on me and giving a slight smile then turning to Fury. She wore a black suit. Like Natasha's but less revealing. Her lips moved as she wanted to say something. I could tell she was fighting the urge to fight back as her muscles tensed and loosened.

"When do I get my stuff?" She asked. Her voice was nervous and gentle which surprised me usually it was tough and taunting. "Romanoff and Rogers will take you to get your stuff." Fury nodded to Natasha and I.

She nodded, "Yes sir."  

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