Moving in with the Avengers

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Jaylah P.O.V

I entered the room with the Avengers and Fury. These handcuffs hurt. I looked at each of them getting a glare and a smirk. Then I looked at Steve. He had no emotion like a soldier, I smiled a bit. I hoped he remembered last night. I looked back at Fury. I was fighting the urge to escape but I knew that my parents wouldn't approve. I spoke up softly. "When do I get my Stuff?" I asked. "Romanoff and Rogers will take you to get your stuff." Fury ordered.

Lovely. I replied, "Yes sir." I followed Natasha out to a quinjet. I was buckled up and Steve sat across from me while Natasha flew the plane. "So..... how was your day?" I asked trying to break the silence. The air was so tense you could slice it with a knife. Steve seemed confused but said, "Good?" I smiled. "That's great." I replied. I knew Natasha was suspicious. The cuffs were too tight making red marks slowly form on my wrists.

I won't complain though I understand why. "Where do you live again?" Natasha asked sternly. "Saint Francis Avenue. Blue Apartment building." I stated. We finally landed. She cloaked the quinjet. "Fifth floor." I replied. We went down the metal stairs from the roof. I smiled seeing my door. "Um you might wanna stand back a little I have a trap on my door.

I replied smiling a bit. They nodded. I kicked the brick revealing a key. I unlocked my door and stood back as an arrow shot into the wall. I took it out and went in. I placed it on the small counter. "Well welcome to my humble home." I smiled. There was a small couch and some boxes. I move place to place and only take a few things. My swords laid on the table. I grabbed them. Natasha reached for her gun. I spun them around to where the handles pointed outward. "Here you can have these until you trust me." I nodded to Natasha.

She looked surprised and took them. "My gun's are in my nightstand if you want to get them too." I warned. She nodded. I turned and grabbed a backpack. I put in what few Clothes I had. A suit, a dress, and some casual clothes, pajamas along with two pairs of shoes, One high heels the other sneakers. Steve started to carry out the boxes. In about ten minutes my apartment was cleaned out. I ran to my room almost forgetting something. I grabbed a picture of the dresser. It was me and my brothers. I smiled and took it out of the picture frame.

I walked out and slung my backpack over my shoulder looking at the picture. We got in the plane and I remembered all the fun times I had with my brothers. I was adopted of course but they were my brothers and best friends. We would ride fourwheelers on every dirt road we could find.

My Older brother Zac taught me to use a gun. I remember that day like it was yesterday. My thoughts were interrupted. "Who's that?" Steve asked looking at the picture. I looked up. "My brothers. Zac and Chase." Chase was younger but was always taller. "What happened?" He asked. I frowned and gripped the picture a bit tighter. I looked back at him and smiled weakly. "They...They died along with my parents a fire." I looked down.

He put a hand on my shoulder. It sent a warm feeling down my arm. His hand was firm but gentle. "Sorry." He apologized. I looked up at him confused. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything." I asked fighting back the tears. "I know what it feels like to have everything you love be ripped away from you." He nodded to the picture.

I smiled, "Thank you." I noticed a part of a silver chain sticking out of his pocket. I knew it was my necklace he remembered. I decided not to say anything. He walked back to his spot. Soon we landed. I saw the tower. The light shined on the glasses making it impossible to look in. The door opened allowing the smell of scotch and New york to flood in. New york had it's own smell. It smelled of the autumn breeze, smoke, and people.

I undid the buckle and walked out. I followed behind Steve and Natasha. The others waited in the living area of the penthouse. I had the cuffs back on of course. This time they were tighter so you can guess who put them on. I looked around. The couches were black which matched the red and white rug and tan coffee table. The walls were a light grey and the movie cabinets were black then the floor was a light wood. It led to a nice bar/Kitchen with black counter tops and silver appliances.

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