The nightmare

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I woke up screaming from a horrible nightmare then something touched me it was my husband Alex he steered at me will his sparkly green eyes and his soft brown hair and said ssshhhhhh you are going to wake Sally up (our child)
"I had a horrible nightmare " I said
"What was it about"
"I don't know I can't remember" then pressing my fingers to my lips trying to remember  then he said "then it wasn't that bad anyway nightmare don't come true only dreams"
Then I grabbed hold of my key necklace and fell asleep the same nightmare happened again I woke up screaming in fear this time there was a little girl around the age of 4 sitting at the end of the bed with curly red hair and sparkly green eyes it was Sally my child. "mummy are youe ok?" Asked Sally then I said "I am okay sweet hart where's your farther"
"Daddy isy at at worke he makey me breakfaste and told me to watch tv and then he saidy whene mummy woke up youe telly her to cally me"
"Okay I Said now go and watch more tv"
Then she run out of the bed room and down the hall way then I jumped in to the shower washing my body will warm water.

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