Chapter Five: Hold It

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Today was the day that Lynette betrayed her brother.

Or at least that's what he thought.

Lynette was sitting in her room drawing doodles on her notepad. The ghost was sprawled on her bed behind her, whistling a tune when her brother walked in. She looked up from her masterpiece and found him panting heavily. She stared him like he grew another head until she looked down at his hands. He was holding a baggie or something, his expression grim. Taking a breath, Malcolm scowled. He threw it on her bed. She heard the ghost let out a small sigh, like a laugh.

"What the hell is this?" Malcolm asked angrily.

Confused, Lynette stared down at the bag and found a few pills in them. She slowly picked it up and looked at them closely, not having seen these pills before. Lynette knew they weren't her anti-depressant pills, which she rarely took. But they were the white kind. Sort of like the ones for Advil. But why would he get angry about pain killers?

Lynette's eyes widened as her gut dropped.

Dear god, no...

"Malcolm," She began.

"Don't even start. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any idea of what would happen if  dad found out?" Malcolm asked painfully. If it weren't for his tone, he would have looked hurt beyond anything.

"M-Malcolm... I-I swear they aren't mine. I-"

"Then how is it that I found them hidden in your bathroom earlier, peaking out from under you toilet?" Malcolm inched closer and Lynette realized where this was going. "It's not like the tooth fairy did it. Or me. Or dad."

Lynette swallowed. "Those aren't mine, Malcolm."

"Then whose are they? Who could they possibly belong to if they aren't yours?" He asked.

Lynette paused. "I-I don't know..."

Lynette didn't say anything more. She didn't know what to say. She couldn't possibly blame her dad. That would just make her look bad. And her brother was strictly against drugs. He wouldn't allow anyone in the house if they potentially had any.

Drugs had already ruined enough...

Seeing that he won't get an answer anytime soon, Malcolm tsked and stormed out of the room. "Fuck this..."

He probably felt bad or maybe he couldn't handle being angry at his sister anymore. Either way, Lynette felt terrible.

"Awwww... I was expecting more of a show," rang a voice from behind her.

Lynette bit her lip.

"But I guess not." The boy behind her sighed. "Pity..."

She clenched her fist and tried her best not to shake. So, he was the one who planted those pills there?

How the hell did he manage to do that? Lynette asked herself.

"Oh, well. Maybe I should use a knife next time..."

Like hell you are.

Lynette sprang up and grabbed the Baggie of pills. In a flash, she found herself in the restroom, lifting up the toilet cover. She opened the bag and got ready to flush them down.

But she didn't....

She stood there as rigid as a board, her eyes transfixed on the pills.

After a few seconds, the crinkling of the bag could be heard. On the bed, the male sat up to sneak a peek past the door. Was she taking them? Smirking, the ghost laid back down once he had his answer. Lynetter was holding them in her hand, almost like she was getting ready to swallow them.

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