Chapter Ten

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Willa's P.o.v.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Hmm... wanna build a pillow fort?" She said with a smirk.

"Oh my god! That was so long ago! Man... that was before some school dance, wasn't it?"

"Yeah. The dance where we all met Chance, Kingston met Grace, and Chelsea and Misty hooked up. So much had happened then. Feels like it was all a distant dream compared to how things are now." Alice said.

"Let's not taint that happy memory with any new thoughts. I'll grab the bed pillows if you grab the covers!"

She laughed and pulled the covers from the beds. "You sure your dorm mate won't mind?"

"Honestly, I haven't even seen her in a week! Some of her clothes move places when I'm gone though. Like having a ghost of a dorm mate."

Alice laughed again and threw the covers onto me. I giggled and dropped them into the pile I'd created in the floor. We stacked them how we could and used the beds as ways to hold up the covers. I grabbed some Coca Cola bottles out of the mini fridge and a basket of snacks (i.e. mostly candy). I pointed over to the DVD's for her to pick out a movie as I grabbed my laptop. Not surprised to see that she had picked The Little Mermaid. She had always loved watching that.

"Holy shit! Is that a new laptop?" Alice asked.

"Yup! Jackson and Chance gave it to me as a gift when I complained about the shitty college computers."

"Yeah the school's desktops are pretty crappy, huh? Alright well pop the movie in!"

And I did just that. We half watched, half played around through the first movie. After it was done we ended up deciding on a Disney marathon and put in Aladdin next. We sang along to the songs and had a blast recreating some of the scenes, especially when it came to the flying carpet.

While the credits rolled, Alice about passed out from a laughing fit. Too much candy and bad jokes never did help with her euphoric nature.

As she calmed down, she laid against me and smiled up at me.

"I really had missed you." She said softly.

"I missed you too." I said. It wasn't until that moment that I realized just how much I had missed her. How had I ever gone days without her? How had I separated from her all that time ago? If I had stayed with her then we could have had even more great memories and I never would have had this dilemma between her and Madison.

With all the thinking I hadn't noticed how close Alice and I were getting. Soon her lips were on mine and that original spark that had peaked my interest back in high school was back. It finally felt like she was my Alice again and I was her Willa.

I'm not sure how long we had sat there and kissed but the credits were long off the screen and the silence was comforting for once. When we broke the kiss, we stayed close and rested our heads against each others. She smiled to where the light hit her eyes and I felt even more at home. No need for 'I love you' s when we have each other just like this.


And then the door flew open.

"Willa you will not believe what-" She stopped and looked down at where Alice and I laid. "W-Willa..? What's... what's going on here?" She looked about ready to throw something or cry. Maybe both.

"Madison don't-"

"Willa what the fuck?!" She screeched. The bags she was holding dropped and she ran one of her hands through her bangs. "What the... what the hell?! So this bitch comes back and suddenly you're slutting it up with her again?!"

"I should go.." Alice said quietly.

"No you stay you fucking whore! I want to hear you explain to me what the fuck you think you are doing with my girlfriend!" Madison yelled.

"Honey please quiet-"

"Don't you fucking 'honey' me! I'm pissed at you too! But for now let me deal with this hoe!"

"Don't call her a hoe!" I yelled back. I took in a breathe and started to stand up. When I spoke next it was calmer and quiet. "Can we please just talk about this with the door shut?"

"No you fucking let people listen in! Maybe then they will get the memo about this hooker standing in the room. Maybe they can rent her off and lug her away from here so I can discuss things with my fucking girlfriend without getting sadly scared eyes from that bitch!"

"Alice maybe you should just go.." I said.

"Alright. I'll talk to you-"

"No you fucking won't. You aren't getting in contact with my girl ever. Again. Now just leave!"

Alice looked back at me as if silently asking permission. I nodded and she left.

"Madison... Madi...."

"I always knew you used my nickname when you were really screwed." Madison said sadly. By this point a few tears where rolling steadily down her cheeks.

"I can explain this to you. Please, just listen to me. Baby, come on."

"One more word."

"What?" I asked.

"One more word to.. to her again and we are done this time."

"Does this mean you forgive me?"

"This time. The last time. No talking to her. Alright?"



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