Chapter Twelve

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Willa's P.o.v.

Alice must be seriously pissed off at me if she isn't answering any of my calls. I have tried calling her three times in the past ten minutes and texted her twice. Except I know Alice and I know that after what happened yesterday she would be just waiting for me to call. I wanted to call her earlier, I really did, except Madison stayed the night after walking in on us and she only left a couple hours ago when I said I had to go to class.

So why isn't Alice answering me?

I waited a few more minutes and called again. Still no answer. She must have gone to Misty's at some point. She's been talking to her a lot recently as it seems so she must know where Alice is.

I walked down to Misty's dorm and before I could knock her door flew open.

"Oh Jesus, Willa. You scared me half to death." She said quickly. She shook her head and looked at my serious expression. "What's wrong?"

"Do you know where Alice is?"

"Alice? Not sure. Have you tried calling her?"

"Four times. Texted twice. She isn't answering, Misty. I'm worried. She always answered me back within a few minutes. It's been a little over half an hour since I first called."

She frowned and leaned against her door. "That really isn't like her. Do you think she'd be back at her dorm room?"

"I highly doubt it. She rooms with Madison. I figured she must have spent the night with you at least."

"Yeah she came in last night pretty upset but she didn't talk until this morning. She left a few hours ago when I had to go off to class."

"God, was she alright? I hadn't meant for that to-"

"I know, Willa. She was fine. Sad that you hadn't talked to her about it yet, but fine nonetheless."

I gave a sigh of relief before tilting my head back. "So where did she go? I didn't think she had classes today."

"Neither did I. She hadn't mentioned them. I only stopped by to pick up a book and I have to run to class now, but good luck finding her. I'm sure her phone must have just died or something. Text me when you find her, yeah?"

"Yeah, alright. See you later."


She shut and locked her door and walked off.

I started walking down the hall and turned to go to the bathroom. I hadn't paid much attention to how I looked before rushing out to see where Alice was. Once I opened the door, I was shocked at what I found.

Alice was lying on the tile floor beaten and bloody. I rushed to her side and shook her lightly.

"Alice? Alice?!" I cried frantically.

She looked even worse close up. She had several bruises and a gash below her eye. I reached for my phone and dialed 911. An ambulance was to be sent immediately.

When they arrived I hoped in and tried my hardest not to cry through the whole ride.


"She's awake now." A doctor came and told me.

"I can go in?"

"Yes. We've cleaned her up but she was beaten pretty badly. A few police officers may want to talk with you as well to find out who hurt her."

I nodded and rushed into the room. I stopped near the door as Alice finished talking with the officers. They both walked off and paid no attention to me.


"Hey.." She said softly.

"Oh my god, Alice.. Wh-what happened?"

"I got beat up. Pretty badly too. Even worse than in high school." She chuckled but grimaced afterwards from the pain.

"But, by who?"


"Who." I demanded.

"Please, don't go off and do anything you will regret. No picking fights on my behalf."

"I promise but you've got to tell me who."

"It... it was Madison. And don't worry, I told the police I couldn't remember just yet."

"Madison..? She did this to you? But.. she was always so sweet.."

"Sweet and terrifyingly insane." Alice said.

"Why didn't you tell the police?"

"I figured you might not want your girlfriend getting arrested.."

"You really think I still want her as my girlfriend after that?"

Alice looked up and her mouth fell open slightly.

"Oh, don't act all surprised." I said. "She is pretty psycho as it seems."

I stopped for a moment before saying, "Would you like me to pick you up something to eat?"

"God, I'm starving." She said.

I smiled. "I'll be back in a bit."

I walked out of the room and basically sprinted out of the hospital. Once back at the college I went straight to my dorm room. As I expected, Madison had let herself in with that damn extra key I'd given her.

"Hey Willa! So guess what I went out and did today." She said happily and swung around a bag.

"Oh, I don't know, beat up a girl?" I said.

She laughed and shook her head. "Of course not, silly. I went and bought-"

"Shut up, Madison! I know what you did."

She huffed and said, "I didn't do anything. Now stop interrupting so I can finish my story! Okay, so I-"

"Would you shut the fuck up about your damn shopping story?! I know you beat up Alice! She fucking told me so. You are damn lucky that she didn't tell that cops that were at her fucking room in the hospital!"

"Why the hell are you talking to her again?! I found out you were cheating just yesterday but you go off rambling about how hurt she is. Don't you care about me? Your girlfriend?"

"No. I don't. Because you were a sorry excuse of a girlfriend and we are done. Now get out of here before I call the cops and have you arrested now. If you hurry and go you may be able to out run them at least."

She huffed and screamed and finally went out the door yelling about me being a 'shitty ass girlfriend' and that I can't just 'leave the best girl you are ever going to get'.

As I left the dorm as well I quickly texted Misty to meet me at the hospital.

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