Chapter Fifteen: Mother's Embrace

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Mathias wriggled his rump, adjusting once more on the rough saddle. After all their traveling, the party of four were closing in on their destination, Slateport. The air was rich with the smell of the ocean, a soft sea wind blowing a playful breeze through the costal city.

Below them, nestled against the ever-stretching being that was the sea, was Slateport, sitting proudly next to the water. The city was quite large, the port stretching the length of the coast from one jutting cliffside to the next. The buildings below sparkled like golden flames, the babble of harbor noise reaching their ears from over a mile away. A tower like no other Mathias had ever seen rested in the center of the town, a splendid villa beside it, a dwarf compared to the monument beside it.

The tower pierced the sky with its triangular peak, birds hovering near its impressive apex. The tower was a sigil of silver, the light from the sun gleaming so brightly off of it, it was almost as if it cast an aura of precious ore. The group of four absentmindedly found themselves reigning in their horses at the top of the hill, each one of them looking at the impressive sight before them.

Mathias even found it in himself to forget the voices in his head, they had gone silent for almost a day. Next to him, Sybil exclaimed "It's...wondrous. And next to it must be the Grand Villa Mercury. That's where were going, right Archibald?"

The round man turned to address the princess, bowing slightly in his saddle. He smiled widely "Yes, my lady, your mother awaits you."

Philla was the first to provoke her steed into plodding onward. After a moment, she looked back over her shoulder, the light of the tower casting a soft glow on their features, the nobles specifically looking more defined in the silver hue "Well, let's not keep Her Majesty waiting."

The Grand Villa was perfection on earth, the guards strict and the security air-tight. Philla scrutinized each one and was happy to see they looked her straight in the eye with no weariness of any sort, these men and women were ones of hardened fiber and morale and would do the king and queen good.

To her left, Archibald was almost skipping, his face a beaming grin as he encountered many soldiers he had been stationed with before running the queen's message. The fellow soldiers addressed him with wane smiles and playful sarcasm, clearly used to Archibald's eccentric ways.

To the woman warriors right, Prince Mathias in a dashing royal blue vest over white silk shirt with black trousers. His ceremonial sword was sheathed at his hip, stark white hilt swinging by his side as he strode purposely next to Princess Sybil. The men stared, leaning on the walls behind her as the heir to the throne walked straight-backed, hair like golden thread spiraling down to lay on her slim right shoulder, her dress of sateen green cutting off above her knees, her elegant strides visible to those that beheld her beauty. The Princess was coming into her womanhood like a rose into spring, the bud of her grace blossoming with evident wonder.

Inside, difficult and contradictory emotions played inside her. Against Philla's wishes, a dirk rested at her waist swinging from her brother's borrowed leather belt. The weight of the weapon gave her some comfort, but just some. Even as the group made their way towards her parents, she was feeling uneasy, sensing a cold sort of despair that hung in the air, just noticeable but there, none the less.

To her left, striding beside Philla, her brother stared at the floor, his mind clearly wondering like her own. She knew something was bothering him, had known for almost a week now, whenever she tried to broach the subject, he would close up or burst into some wild childish antic like trying to pull her hair or poor a bucket of river water on poor unsuspecting Archibald (both of which had ended with a stern talking from Philla and no answers for Sybil.) and those were but two of many examples. Sybil clutched at the dirk at her side, stroking the polished handle. She worried for her brother, worried for her family and the whole of Alerdreamia.

As her mood reached an almost depressing point, they stopped before a large door, a large, odd shaped grove dented in the middle. Archibald traced a hand over it, murmuring under his breath. Sybil walked over to him, touching him lightly at the shoulder to get his attention "What's the bother?"

Archibald's face flashed pale "This wasn't like this when I left. It almost looks as it someone was slammed into this door..." His voice trailed off as the doors swung inward, two stewards swinging them open for the company of four.

Before them was an antechamber, a dais and throne sitting on the far end of the room. The throne was simple, carved oak with a plush red chair. A thin figure stood, her legs unfurling as she did. Her features were defined as if a marble bust come alive, blue eyes sparkling with warmth, fair lips turned in a sad smile. Resting atop her head was a thin circlet of gold, a simple crown on her head of blond ringlets. Her resemblance to her daughter was striking, from their hair to their facial features no one would mistake their resemblance.

Hands clasped before her, resting against her azure dress, Queen Phoebe glided barefoot down the carpet steps, her movements graceful as she picked up her pace. Forgetting ceremony entirely, Mathias and Sybil burst into runs, meeting her in the center of the room. Phoebe exclaimed, her hand tracing her son's face, as if looking for signs of harm. Teary-eyed, she turned towards her daughter who's face mirrored her mothers, pulling in to rest her head on her shoulder, holding in sobs, trying to be strong for both of them. Sybil felt a hand brushing through her hair, soft words whispered into her ear.

Archibald and Philla stood off to one side, each of them sharing awkward looks. Archibald was first to move, his body wobbling slightly as he went to clutch Philla's hand. Philla, grimacing slightly, let him.

After all they had been through, all they had seen, they had made it back.

DragonDog1: thanks for reading and waiting. This chapter is quite light compared to the next one, another Sybil chapter. Till then, comment and vote if you enjoyed. Thanks!

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