Epilouge: Bodies to Bury

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His head swam as he stood, stumbling over to the figure that laid beside him.

Her hair pillowed her serene face, bruises evident on her legs and torso. He noticed immediately that her breathing was harsh. Shaking her slightly, she stirred, immediately standing to her feet and blocking Mathias with her body, eyes locked on Tucker's scorched and marred body.

She covered her mouth with her hand, sobbing quietly. She had never had the opportunity to thank him for saving her and her liege, at least not formerly.

Mathias ran over to Tucker, ignoring the blazing fires on either side of the street. He pressed his hands to Tucker's chest, feeling the intense heat that housed in his body. "Wake up, please. Wake up so that we can heal this wound and thrive. Wake up!"

"Shut up, kid." Tucker croaked "I don't die so easy."

Philla fell beside Mathias as Tucker slipped away into unconsciousness. "Thank the gods.." Philla mumbled.

Mathias looked at his guard, feeling both so joyful and frightened. He felt absolutely useless. How was he supposed to defend his country when he was always being incapacitated before he even lifted a finger?

Soon after, hooves thundered, the sound approached. Looking up, Mathias saw his sister and mother nearing on horseback, their faces a mix of shock and distress.

Sybil dismounted, rushing over to her brother and throwing her arms around him. He nestled into her shoulder, resisting the urge to bawl. "Sybil, I missed you" he said softly.

Guards surrounded the small group, making sure to give the royals space to converse quietly. Mathias noticed them cast glances at the bodies that adorned the ground, others rushing to attempt to put out the fires or get help.

Mathias stood with his sister, backing up to look up at her "So much has happened, yet I can hardly explain it. I was knocked out early on and have no clue how these people ended up like this. Everyone was still fighting when I was downed."

Sybil nodded slightly, understanding her brother's want to explain the deaths and injuries "It's ok, Mathias. You've witnessed much..."

But Mathias was barely listening, going over his own words in his head. His eyes scanned the street, aware of a great difference. Where was the man who had been fighting Tucker?

Stadalus could do naught but smile at his wicked fortune.

He and Thanatos had been discussing important matters in the Shadowrealm, so when they felt a ripple in the fabric of that world, they immediately Shadow-Stepped to the location.

And when they arrived in the open plain, Greg lay sprawled before them, scars of battle evident.

At first, Stadalus and Thanatos had thought him dead, worried that their grand weapon had been stolen from him. As it was, he was barely breathing, Thanatos, begrudgingly, rushing to enhance his hands with minor Necromancy, a reverse curse that stabilized a dying victim. The spell was often used to keep a torture victim alive for more abuse, but in this case it would save Greg's life.

Stadulus laughed, his bowl face etched with dark mirth "This time, he will be ours."

Leyetta lighted the incense, the fragrances swirling around her. The sacred pool that he laid on has sprinkled with golden flakes, heat rising from the bottom, swirling around the clearing.

As she cried, her hands glowed bright like golden sun beams, illuminating their faces, one distressed and one serene.

She had found Max in those streets, had whisked him away on the Astral Winds to this place, where she now cried over his dead body.

But she had a power, a light inside of herself that could possibly save him, could possibly bring him back.

She looked down at her shaking hands, etching powerful symbols of healing around Max. She could try, but it would take careful planning and time.

And a thought hovered in her head, buzzing so she couldn't ignore it was it worth it? What would it cost to bring him back?

"Astral Dragon give me the strength to do what is right..."

"You have done it this time, my Lady."

"Enough!" The leader snapped, her voice as scathing as her fiery companion "I know that I have failed, Visalth. There is no need to remind me of the disaster I have caused."

The Wind Dragon piqued up, her airy voice attempting to soothe her friends "Now, now, it's not the time for fighting, it's the time for fixing. My Grace, whatever you choose to do now, I will follow without hesitation."

"As will I," Lyth joined in.

Visalth growled, the sound echoing off the chamber walls "Let it be known, the Ros are stirring, their prophecy is coming into view, and I, Visalth the Red, am leaving to confront them." His giant wings snapped open, catching on the mystical breeze of the chamber and lifting him into the air, flames rippling off his scales.

"Visalth! Wait! Don't be so hasty, don't you see, you're not ready!" The Astral dragon screeched after the war-driven lizard.

"It is time for the darkness to fear my fire!" and he was gone.

The chamber seemed quiet without the raging red dragon. The remaining figures could only stare at each other, each avoiding looking at the now vacant red spire.

The Astral Dragon purred softly under her breath "What have I done. And more importantly, what will the Ros do?"

DragonDog1: Wow, another book complete. It's funny how fast time seems to go. I can easily remember when I was writing my first book, what a joy that was. So now, I once again thank you, my faithful fans for reading my cherished books. And of course, I tip my hat in regard to my editor, who you all have seen many times in the comments. As for the books, you all have witnessed them take a dark turn, one that really defines the point of the story. So, I leave you with this, do not forget the prophecy; a careful eye will notice some has already come true, while others are right around the corner. So, till next time, thank you and goodbye.

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