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I get out of my step sisters car and kick the door closed and as i walk to my SLC i begin running my hands thru my two tone blond and black hair its a habit that I have when I'm nervous or scared. I walk thru the front door to see cameron standing at the front desk getting his schedule and it turned out our first two classes Health and Microsoft office together and then our 4th and 5th together so we walk to 1st period together. He looks at me and asks "dude what's up with your hair". I simply reply with i like it better this way it looks good. He agrees and we start talking about how out summers were since my mother wont let me out of the house ever the only time i saw him was at the store on accident. His summer was pretty good he did basically the same thing as me watch Hulu and Netflix  while eating junk food and not gaining a pound. We get to first period and its a teacher we've both had before in 7th grade she was a bitch. We took our seats and waited patiently for the bell to ring and as it did 3 more kids walked in none of which I knew by any means at all. The teacher then started explaining what health class was even tho we already knew it was just a class that told us don't do drugs (few of us actually listened i mean really did any of you?) and don't smoke. After she was done the saw I had a hat on and told me to take it off and i rolled my eyes and took it off as instructed. She then went on about this health triangle bullshit i did in 8th grade and made us discuss things with our partners and I was lucky it was cameron. I told him about the "healthy" things i do my list: eat goodish, drink water, ride my bike, get absolutely smashed and sleep. Not that great right? He laughed at the get smashed part as did the person in front of us that happened to hear. The rest of the class was me not caring and cameron making stupid remarks about the teachers cloths. Our next class we met this new chick Layla (now my weed dealer) she was pretty cool for the most part she did half my assignment for me cause i didn't get it. The teacher in that class was a ho to didn't even understand his own work like really that helps me a lot. Um third yea i had that with Layla and Jesse, Jesse i met playing baseball when I was still into it but he wasn't that bad a friend either. Mr. Whatever his name was didn't explain anything just said read this and answer this so i did what he said and got it done it wasn't to hard. Then the rest of the day was kinda a blur i didn't really listen to much and then rode home in my step sisters car. Home wasn't any better I got bombarded with questions so i decided to leave the house till dark and i just sat on the roof of the elementary school by my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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