Who we are

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I'm Alex a normal high school boy with friends not many but friends none the less. We do the normal things teenagers do we mess around and do things we shouldn't and do our best not to get caught. But most of us are depressed in some way this is going to be all of our stories of why we are sad and how some of us got over it by now. It all started in 5th grade i met my friends there i had just moved into a smaller city in Washington. Their names are Eve, Lily, Rose, Josh, Erin and Cameron they we don't all have the best home life but it's not the worst no where near it. Eve's parents are divorced and one is a drunk who she wouldn't admit abused her if he did I'm still not sure if he does but every day she smiles like nothing is wrong you would never know she was really dying on the inside. Lily she just had no friends in the beginning but I got her over her anxiety and she met the few people i was friends with and she is lonely i try to help but i cant love someone that i don't have feelings for. That's not selfish is it? Well anyways on to Rose, my girlfriend she moved here last year from California she was bullied and her father died i had feelings for her for a while while she still had Lyme disease. Josh he moved here in 6th grade from NYC and had the stupidest accent ever but could never get a girlfriend even tho he is pretty cute. Erin he is a shy boy with long black hair funny and just can't stand being the center of attention his parents are also divorced he is called gay by his dad and his dad just makes fun of his hair and whatever else he can . Then finally there is me Alex in my glory helping people as best i can but that's not why I'm sad my father left me at birth he didn't even show up to see my birth and from 3rd to 5th grade i was made fun of 6th to 8th i was beat up by just about every popular kid in school the would even just knock my stuff off my desk simply because I'm different I think people are disgusting and horrible we discriminate people for being different it's not right its ugly. But enough about that is all of our first year of high school. We have some classes together but not all we manage tho.

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