Choosing Jessy

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"I think you know I have to. If I stay, may not follow where your heart truly lies."

Bramblestar was startled, he knew Jessy was referring to Squirrelflight. She was making sense, Squirrelflight and him have been together through thick and thin. She was the daughter of Firestar.

But Firestar is gone now, and both his kits have brought disaster in their wake: Leafpool breaking the code with a WindClan tom and lying for so long, and Squirrelflight for covering up for her.

He remembered Squirrelflight's face when Hollyleaf told the truth, the need for understanding that she had lied to her own partner about their kits being theirs.

He remembered the pride he had in his kits, how he watched over them knowing they were his kits, and that beautiful image was shattered. Squirrelflight caused this.

Than why did I make her deputy?

"I'm sorry, I-"

"No." Bramblestar interrupted Jessy. "I won't let this happen."

"Wh-What do you mean?" Jessy tilted her head. "Squirrelflight's the mother of your kits! Or, sort of."

"That's the point, Jessy." Bramblestar sighed. "You know they were raised by us, but you don't know the story. At least let me tell you the story before you consider leaving."

Jessy nodded. "OK."

"Leafpool was a medicine cat when she fell in love with a WindClan tom, which breaks two rules. One, she can't have a mate or kits, because she is a medicine cat. And two, because two cats from other Clans can't have kits." Bramblestar explained. "She is the mother of Jayfeather and Lionblaze, but she couldn't show it. So Squirrelflight was willing to raise them, but she lied to me. I didn't learn about it till Hollyleaf, Leafpool's third kit, revealed it to all the Clans."

"..." Jessy was speechless.

"I can't be with her after that, that'd make her think that it's OK to lie to me." Bramblestar felt like he wanted to cry. Jessy came closer and rested her tail on his back.

"No wonder you seem so stressed...besides the fact that you're leader." Jessy purred. "But Squirrelflight has been mean to me and-"

"Wait, what?!" Bramblestar cried. "Why didn't you tell me this?"

"Because not only is she deputy, the whole Clan didn't believe me! I told Daisy and she yelled 'nonsense!' to me! Squirrelflight attempted several times to poison my fresh-kill! Nobody would listen to me! And sometimes I'd put protecting this Clan over opening my big mouth!" Jessy protested.

"I'm sorry that Squirrelflight did that." Bramblestar touched his nose to Jessy's. "If you be my mate, you can sleep in my den when the camp is no longer flooded. And I'll tell you many stories of my life, the Clans, as you sleep. I promise this Clan will accept you, and I love you. Very much."

Jessy smiled.

"I love you too." Jessy purred. "And...I think I'll stay and maybe try apprenticeship."

"That's wonderful to hear." Bramblestar purred. "We must go back, and I'll uphold an apprentice ceremony for you."

Bramblestar and Jessy twined tails and walked back.

"All cats of ThunderClan! I have another ceremony to do!"

Squirrelflight's head turned quickly from Stormpaw. She got up, not knowing it was her rival. Graystripe and Sandstorm walked ahead, helping Cinderheart along.

"I think that the she-cat that helped us fight the kittypets and the badgers deserves a chance at becoming an apprentice!" Bramblestar beckoned Jessy over to him. She touched his shoulder affectionately.

Squirrelflight's jaws dropped but no words came out. Leafpool and Sandstorm looked appalled, but no other cats seemed to have a bad reaction. Millie and Daisy gave purrs of approval.

"Jessy, do you wish to learn the ways of the warrior code, the history of the Clans, and the importance of every cat?" Bramblestar asked.

"I do." Jessy purred.

"Than by the power of StarClan, you're new name will be Gempaw. I will be your mentor." Bramblestar and Gempaw touched noses, and she returned to the crowd. Stormpaw congratulated her, and so did Millie and Daisy.

Squirrelflight walked up to Bramblestar.

"More cats f-f-for the Clan..." Squirrelflight gave a weak smile. "That's grea-er...great!"

Bramblestar smirked. Squirrelflight would realize soon enough that this would never had happened if she hadn't lied about the kits.

She walked away, her tail trailing the dirt.

Cinderheart came up Bramblestar next.

"Hello. Can I help you, Cinderheart?" Bramblestar asked.

"I know who you choose as your mate or whom you apprentice is your choice." Cinderheart explained. "But you know Squirrelflight, she'll never stop until she gets what she wants. And you're playing a dangerous game by doing this. I'm saying this for the safety of you and Gempaw, I promise."

"I'm her leader!" Bramblestar snapped. "She couldn't possibly hurt anyone!"

"Don't be so sure..." Cinderheart walked away. "Stay safe, Bramblestar."

Three moons later

"Push, Cinderheart!" Jayfeather said.

Bramblestar and Gempaw saw as the first kit was born.

"Here, Gempaw." Jayfeather handed Gempaw a dark grey she-kit. Than a tortoiseshell she-kit and black she-kit followed.

Lionblaze came in and touched his nose to Cinderheart's. He looked down at the three she-kits with love. Bramblestar understood, they were probably thinking of all the wonderful times him and Cinderheart shared.

"They're beautiful." Lionblaze and Cinderheart named them Fernkit, Sorrelkit, and Hollykit.

"Your grandkits!" Gempaw purred. "Isn't that wonderful?"

"It is." Bramblestar shook off the thought of their mother. Squirrelflight passed by, her eyes were dark.

"Lionblaze's kits are born!" Bramblestar called out. Sandstorm and Leafpool came and looked at them.

Wouldn't Squirrelflight want to see her kits?

Squirrelflight glanced in the direction of the Nursery.

She turned away and disappeared into the warrior's den.

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