When Abbey Dawn Met Eli Goldsworthy: Chapter 6:

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    I walked through the busy hallway along side Adam. I saw Katie and some African American girl sitting at this stand near the steps that went upstairs. It was red, pink, and white. Degrassi Valentines Day! Was written on the front of it

    "What's that for?" I asked Adam pointing to the stand.

    "Um, invitations. That's so if you wanna ask someone to the dance. Or just to buy your ticket." He replied

    "Are you going?" I asked him. He shrugged.

    "I don't know" He said

    "Oh come on. Its Valentines day! There has to be somebody that you wanna go with?" I asked him.

    "Well...." He said

    "Uh huh?" I replied

    "There's this girl, her name's Fiona" He said. We started up the stairs. "She's this really beautiful girl with brunette hair. She just moved here last year."

    "That's nice. Send her one of those" I said to him

    "Yeah right, she....she doesn't like me." Adam told me.

    "Does Fiona know your secret?" I asked him

    "The whole school knows. After Fitz threw me through that door it........." He was saying but i grabbed his arm and stopped him.

    "He did what?" I asked concerned, "Why?"

    "This girl named Bianca found out when I was flirting with her at her locker. Then the whole school found out and Fitz and his friend Owen ambushed me in the bathroom." Adam told me. "I mean i'm cool with Bianca now though, she's dating my brother. So don't be mad at her, Fitz was the problem."

    "I'm.....so sorry" I said to him.

    "It's over. People don't care anymore." He told me. We started walking again.

    "What's Fiona's last name?" I asked Adam.

    "Coyne. Why?" He asked

    "No reason" I said thinking. "Come on"


    "Hi" I looked up to see a boy that looked a little like Taylor Lautner looking down at me. He had really pretty eyes and black hair. He was pretty cute.

    "Hi?" I said confused. Why was he talking to me? I was at my locker and he leaned his left arm against Eli's while looking at me. Adam left school already because it was the end of the day. My house wasn't so far so i was walking home.

    "I'm Drew Torres, And you are?" He asked

    "Abbey Dawn. And did you say Torres?" I asked him

    "Yup" He said

    "You're Adam's Brother?" I asked him remembering Adam's last name.

    "Yeah. He told me that he had to help a new student and I wanted to introduce myself", Drew said to me. "Are you getting around fine?"

   "Yeah, Adam's really cool" I said. He nodded. 

   "Did he tell you?" Drew asked me and I nodded, "and?" He asked with a 'if you say the wrong thing...' expression.

    "And, i'll tell you what i told him, He's a cool person and who am I to judge, its who he is and from knowing him just today, I wouldn't want him to change." I replied closing my locker.

    "You're a cool person Abbey" He said looking at me in an admiring way. I smiled at that.

    "You're in grade 11?" I asked him. So far i'd met mostly people in grade 11 except for Adam and Imogen.

    "Yeah" He told me.   

    "It was nice talking to you, but i really gotta get home. I'll see you later" I said and he nodded.

    "You too, oh and thanks for accepting Adam, he needs someone like you in his life" Drew said ad I smiled and nodded then started to walk down the hall towards the front doors. Suddenly I turned a corner and a girl bumped into me. Neither of us fell thankfully.

   "I'm sorry" she said. She had blond hair and blue eyes. She had a chubby-like baby face that was really pretty. My eyes averted to her stomach. She was pregnant. She looked down at her stomach too, then back at me. "I'm Jenna" she said smiling.

    "Abbey. I'm new" I said

    "Oh, what grade?" she asked me

    "10th" I said

    "Me too" She replied. I looked back at her stomach. A tenth grader pregnant. Well, damn thats rough. But, I'm not gonna judge. "I bet your thinking, what a whore. She's pregnant at 16"

    "No. Not even" I replied. "Who am i to judge? I'm not gonna judge you for what you've done. Or who you've done it with. I just met you"

    "Thanks but, I have a reputation in this school for being a boyfriend stealer and the pregnant girl so....." She said a little sad

    "Well, I just got here and, to me you're just a normal girl who made a mistake and I'm not gonna judge you. Everyone makes mistakes" I assured her, and she smiled, "So, is it a boy or a girl?" I asked happily. 

    "Triplets" She said and My eyes widened, "Kidding. We don't know yet, Me and my boyfriend K.C."She said to me and I smiled.

    "Oh, well I have to get home right now but, I'll see you tomorrow though okay?" I said

    "Yeah, Bye Abbey!" Jenna said I waved back at her then kept walking.

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