When Abbey Dawn Met Eli Goldsworthy: Chapter 12:

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     "I like the hair" Imogen said to me as she down in her usual seat next to me first period. I smiled over at her.

    "Thanks" I replied. Last night, after my long day with Eli, I had died the back underneath black taking out the pink in the front. I think that i needed a change. And no, I didn't just change it because Eli usually wears black and its his favorite color, including red. The pink was just getting old.

    "So, i don't mean to get in your business and stuff but, Are you dating Eli Goldsworthy?" She asked me, and i looked over at her. Then I shook my head 'No'

    "No, why?" I asked her.

    "I was at the Dot with my friend, and we saw you two outside on his hearse" She told me.

    "Oh, we're doing a project together in English." I told her. She looked like she didn't believe me. "Where we have to get to know each-other, and write a poem about the other person and their life.
Why do you like him?" I teased.

    "Nope. Been there, done that." She replied, "He was to caught up in Clare. When she left i was pretty much over him...But, you two would be cute together" she said to me. "Do you like him? 'like him' like him i mean"

    That was a good question. Did i like Eli like that? He was cute. A sweet person and funny too. He reminded me of me, but in a boy version. His Sarcastic ways, and his style. But, mom always said that two people that are the same can clash. Opposites attract is the 'new thing'. Apart from his past, Eli was a good guy. Maybe, just maybe, i might like Eli....

    "You're thinking about it!" She said and i jumped because she scared me out of my thoughts. She did that a lot, "So you do?!"

    "Oh, what....no.....yes.....I don't know" I said a little confused.

    "Well, i think you should find out if he likes you" She said to me, "Because, you obviously like him"


    Imogen's question had my head spinning with questions of my own. Do I like Eli? Does he like me? What if he does'nt? What if he does? What about our Friendship? What if it ends badly? What if it doesn't even start?!?!....

    "Ummm, Abbey you're next?" I looked up at Katie and the girl whos name i found out to be Marisol, who sat at the 'Degrassi Valentine's Day Dance!' Stand. I walked forward and took out my Ed Hardy wallet.

    "Umm, can i buy, one" I said. Marisol got one Valentine's Day Dance invitation for me, as Katie took the money.

    "You're asking him, not the other way around, i like it!" She said and I shook my head

    "This is'nt for me" I said as Katie sat a pink paper heart and a white envelope on the table. Then she handed me a pen. I bent over to write on it. I looked down at the paper, "It's..for a friend" I said

    "Aw" She said disappointed.

   "Who?" Marisol asked

    "Nunya" I said writing on the paper heat invitation. I slipped it it the envelope and wrote the girls name on it. Fiona Coyne.

    "Nunya?" She asked falling right into my trap. I put the cap back on the pen and looked at her.

   "Nunya buissness" I said and smiled. Anya laughed.

    "Nice view" I heard a very annoying familiar voice say and turned around to face Fitz and his greasy looking friend who also looked.....just......plain......dirty. I rolled my eyes, and turned back around to give Katie my Envelope.

    "Eww, Fitz and...whetever that kids name is" Marisol whispered disgusted

    "Same feelings you have sister...same feelings" I replied. "I'll see you guys later."

    "Do you need help?" Katie asked looking over at someone. I looked behind me where she was looking, which was at her boyfriend, Jake. Gosh, why when Fitz messes with me does everyone get all protective? Is he really that dangerous?

    "I'm fine, but thanks" I said and turned to walk away. I pushed past Fitz and his friend annoyed and guess what? They followed me. Great. Note the sarcasm......

    "Nice hair, Abbey. If your trying to impress me though, green would have been better." Fitz said and i looked back at him like he was crazy then kept walking.

    "Yeah, I go home everyday and think, however will i impress Fitz tomorrow." I said sarcastically. "Your not cute enough to be cocky, dude" He suddenly came up on the side of me and put his arm on my shoulder. I looked at him like he'd grown three heads. Because, I think that he's seriously lost. His. Damn.Mind. Then i looked back forward 'Take a deep breath Abbey' "Remove it, or lose it."

    "I don't think i want to. And you don't want me to" He said. He was really pushing me over the edge. I sighed. 'Breathe Abbey'. "I don't get why everyone wants to hang out with Emo-boy and Transy. They're freaks!" 'Kill Abbey'

    "STOP!!!!!" I screamed which made everyone look over at us. Fitz jumped away from me, and looked at me like i was crazy. "I wont like you, I don't like you, and i'll never like you. You're a bully, and a jerk to random people. You threw one of my best friends through a glass door, and made his last year a living hell! Eli is not 'Emo-boy' He's a boy, who doesn't care what people think! Adam is not a 'Transy', he's not 'that trans-gender kid' He's a BOY. A BOY! Deal with it!" I said letting all of my anger out. Its kind of funny, I'm not known to blow up on anyone. I'm the chill, laid back girl that forgives and forgets. This only happened one other time. 5th grade. Louis Mayer put glue in my hair. (which by the way took a hella long time to get out). I almost beat him with a chair...ohhh, good times...

    So, i turned on my heel to face a satisfied Eli and an ecstatic Adam. I walked up to them. "Good job or to much?" I asked

    "Very Good Job" Adam said to me

    "A little to much" Eli said. I lightly pushed him and walked by. Them following behind me. "Ow! You asked!"

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