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I sit with my back against a tree's hard shell, staring into the haunting forest. I wouldn't have ever thought that I could have come this far.

The trees high in the sky are stearn and steady in their physique, as if they know their meaning in the world. Much more confident than I am, that's for sure. That's also sad since I'm an animate being and they're not.

I look up to the sky, though blocked by branches, and take in the sweet smell and sound of nature; beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The very distant crackling of stray twigs and leaves swiftly grabs my attention from the otherwise perfect soundtrack of chirping birds and water flowing in the nearby stream. Probably a deer, maybe a fox.

Downside to being a blood-sucking weirdo with enhanced senses, I guess. Lowering my head with a sigh I slowly lift myself from the ground before stretching and letting out a low groan. If only I could stay in this paradise we call the wilderness.

Starting back towards home I take my time to jump from rock to rock in the stream, to leap over and duck under branches. To take in the raw perfume of nature and view of racing rabits. One day I will live in this haven, I swear I will. Not just by it, but in it.

When the thick forest trees start to thin out and I'm met with the backyard to the large two story house I'm now forced to call home I let out a small sigh. First day of school tomorrow, I'd better high tail it and get all of my stuff together. Not that I really care about school, but I'd rather not anger Selene by not doing what I was told and making her late in the morning.

A image of an angry Selene passes through my mind and just the thought makes me speed up my steps to the house. I really do not feel like dying anytime soon.


After getting my things ready I take a shower to wash away the stale smell of sweat. Nasty.

My reflection in the mirror as I exit the shower takes all of my attention. My waist length ginger hair is matted to my skin from the shower and I have slight panda eyes due to not washing off my make up before I got in.

But none of that is what really grabs my attention in my appearance. What really grabs my attention is my heterochromia iridium; or my different eye colors. The two orbs were rather bright today, I think they look beautiful but apparently to some they make me a freak. Whatever. The right is a electrifying blue while the left is a mossy green. Both contrasted well with my rather pale skin.

My tan is already wearing  off... tragic.

Airbrushed freckles also made me look a lot younger than I am; though I am still really young compared to the rest of my kind. I'm only 16 and I'll live until I'm killed.

I leave the bathroom mirror only to be caught in the full body mirror leaning against a pile of boxes I have yet to unpack. I had a small build, only just reaching five foot one and not even 100 pounds.

Turning from the mirror I look at my small room; it's cluttered with boxes upon boxes and will probably be like that for a while. I sigh and start going through the boxes of clothes until I come across a matching pair of green lose pajama shorts and shirt set. I quickly change into the silky fabric before going through more boxes for my bed sheets. You can tell how much I listened when I was told to do all of this when we first arrived at this big old styled mansion.

One thing that I actually like about the house is that I actually get the widows peak and so it's like my own little floor. Only downside is that it adds to the stairs that I have to climb. But hey, I'm a transforming vamp; I should be able to do physical stuff that involves exercise easily soon. That is if I live through the change of course. That part isn't guaranteed, but I can still hope for the best.

Once I find my sheets and all of my pillows I quickly set up my bed and get ready to sleep. Though vampires don't sleep much; fledglings do. A lot actually, but I've been a fledgling for about a year so my sleeping stage is over. Soon another stage will come on though. And that stage will involve me drinking blood... human blood to be exact.

That's why we moved to this small town; not as many people for me to kill if I go on a rampage and it'll be easy for Selene to clean up the mess of dead bodies. Makes perfect sense to me.

As I lay down and get ready to sleep memories of when Selene found me flash through my mind.

She found me when I was around 10, on the streets. My mother had just died giving birth to her third child, though neither the first nor the last made it. I had been living with my mother in an abandoned house before we got kicked out by a few coke heads who wouldn't let us stay. Without a proper place to live I knew the baby wouldn't make it. Hell I was lucky to have made it, though not lucky to have to do the things I had to to make it. When my mother went into labor in a alleyway I didn't know what to do; I tried to get someone off the sidewalk but they'd all just shake me off and keep on their way.

The memory of being pushed down by a wealthy looking man before being spit on comes forward before I push it back. People really are horrible.

When I went back to my mother she wasn't moving and neither was the baby. I remember turning around to sprint away only to run into a hard body; Selene. She'd taken one look behind me before gently taking my hand and leading me away from the horrible scene.

Later on she told me she was a vampire who'd just been kicked out of her coven. She at the time wouldn't tell me much about it but told me all she could before she turned me, when I was 15. To this day we are both without a coven, and that's not very good. Even a small coven of 6 or 7 would be better than just a couple of vampire. We technically don't count as a coven because there has to be at least two of each position and there are three position; kind of like a wolf pack, the two "alpha", two "betas" (second in command), and the thirds in command.

Without a coven we're also technically rogue vampire. But as long as we stay out of trouble we should be fine...hopefully.

But oh well. With a carefree attitude I drift asleep to the land of darkness and dreams.


1194 words.
The house above is their home.
~Stay sexy~


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