Chapter 5

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Callie's POV

I wandered up the small flight of stairs towards the door we had come through to enter the arena. I pushed the door open to the women's bathroom and to my surprise there was only one stall occupied and nobody else there. I did my business and made my way to the sink, exhaling deeply as I squirted some foamy soap that smelt like flowers on my hands and rinsed away the bubbles under the steady flow of the tap.
I smoothed out my shorts and hair before focusing on my face which was bright red and beaded with sweat. Eww yuck!
I applied some more lip gloss just as a woman in a black uniform appeared from the end cubicle.

"Hey! You're going backstage to meet the guys right?" She smiled.
I chuckled. "Heheh that's what they said".
She outstretched her hand. "Name's Jane. I'm a sound tech".
"Wowsers! So you get to watch their rehearsals and shit?"
"Sure do!" Chuckling as she tucked a lock of dark hair behind her ear and zoned in on the mirror. "It's nice to meet you, I don't want to rob you of your concert!"
"It's no problem at all Jane!" I giggled as I bustled out the door towards the entrance to the mosh pit.

They were already a minute into Everlong by the time I found Haz, piggy backed on a tallish dude with blonde hair. I pulled out my phone to film their finale when a fizzy liquid started trickling down my neck.
I spun around to face a guy with a snapback pouring beer on people. "The fuck?! I spat out gesturing to the plastic cup of beer in his hand.
His eyes squinted as he poured the remainder of his drink on my head before scooting off. Dick. I managed to capture the last few moments of Everlong before they began to wrap up.
The sea of people began to move towards the doors and I knew there would be no way I could go back to the bathrooms now before we went backstage. It was going to be a case of what I call: "Come As You Are". They would understand.

Haz came up behind me still buzzing from her last beer. "You fall in the toilet Cal?!"
"No - just some dick who drenched me in beer!"
"Don't worry you still look hot! Let's go find the babes!".

I had already introduced Harriet to Jane. We were now following her down a dark corridor offstage towards their 'Jam Room' etc.
She mouthed to us 'Are you ready?' I tilted my head towards Harriet who was practically jumping out of her skin while trying to keep her cool. She threw us a slow nod and Jane knocked on the door before swinging it open. She walked in towards a couch where the guys were chilling. We followed suit.

Chris was first to talk.
"Heyyyyy! You enjoyed the show?"
"Oh we sure did!" Harriet gushed, flinging herself onto the couch opposite, leaving me awkwardly standing. So I laughed.
Nate walked in, a cooler in hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. We all said our hellos until the party started. What I mean by that is Taylor and Dave walked in wearing party hats and streamers. They sat down and my eyes locked onto Taylors.
"What happened?? Dave coughed pointing his beer towards me.
"Ugh well..." I was absolutely sure at that point in time I had turned as red as a tomato. But I found some words to keep going.
"... I um.. You see when I came back from the bathroom I was filming Everlong and this dude got beer all over me and I couldn't exactly go clean up cause everyone was going so I was like fuck it" I stuttered out. My gaze rose from the floor to meet Dave's smiling face who burst out into a crack of laughter.
"Of course we Understand! Everyone gets beer poured on them once in a while." We need up talking and making good conversation until I was starting to feel a little sleepy. To my surprise Taylor had given me his number and walked me out to the car. Dave and Harriet following suit.

*The drive home*
Harriet's POV

Callie and I made small talk on the way home. She was tired and I couldn't blame her. What a day! I had hit it off well with Dave. We ended up talking for what felt like hours! I hope Callie had good conversation with tay. I had all the guys numbers! Haha lucky me.

We stumbled into our apartment at about 1:30 am. I got a glass of water and went up to my room while Callie just flopped on the couch passed out.

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