Chapter 6

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Calums POV

"Calum Hood" the doctor calls my name, i take Jaseys hand and we walk in together. I have to admit im scared shitless, i havent slept in days and i can hardly breathe, not to mention it hurts to even move.. Me and Jasey take a seat and the doctor begins to talk.

"Hi, Im Doctor. Marley.. whats the problem today" he asks clasping his hands together on his desk and leaning towards me, "Well ive been a bit sick over the past few weeks and ive been coughing alot" I say wcovering my mouth afterwards as i start to cough, it hurts so much to talk, what will happen when it comes to singing? "Okay we'll take a quick scan of your chest and see whats the matter with you, sound good?" "Sounds great" i reply.

After about 15 minutes, Doctor. Marley walks in the door. "Well there is good and bad news Mr. Hood" "Can i hear the bad news first doc?" I say, my knees begin to shake and i get really nervous. "You have asthma, anf the good news is that you dont have lung cancer like we suspected you might have had" "Oh thank god, i have asthma and i know how to take care of it" Jasey says with a smile "Okay good, we will get you a prescription for an asthma puffer and you can head off, you might feel a bit ill for a while still though, and we ask you not to do anything to extreme with your voice like yelling or singing okay!" "For how long?" I ask sort of annoyed he added singing to the list. " Only for the next two to three weeks" "Okay thank you"

After we left the doctors and got all of my medication, i took Jasey to THAT place i was talking about earlier. We drove for a while until i pulled into a long drive way, one that hits close to home.. LITERALLY!!.. I opened my door and walk to Raes' side of the car and open her door. "Welcome to my parents house Jasey-Rae"


Authors Note

Hey my little Penguins, thank you for reading my fan fic.. I hope you liked this chapter i did it in about 10 minutes so its most probably bad. Sorry! Please comment if you want more chapters because im thinking of not continuing.. Comment who you ship!! Also follow me, i only have 3 followers and i need more!! :) i love you little penguins!! :* xx

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