Chapter 3

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I look to my left and then to my right. Two girls are standing on either side of me. We're at the grocery store. 

That's weird. I swear that the girl with red hair on my right is the exact same girl with red hair on my left. I look left again. The girl is gone. Then right. The girl with red hair is there. I feel nervous. Maybe I'm going insane. Maybe I just imagined her. Actually, that would make a lot of sense. Maybe I'm just completely bannanas and I'm imagining this whole messed up world. Yeah. That's probably it.

The red-haired girl on my left taps my arm. I look down at her and smile. I am a friendly Sim. At least that's what people tell me.

"Hello..." she says with a smile.

"Hi. What's your name?" I ask.

"Emily Xx." she replies. Right. Emily Xx. Well, I guess I can't judge her. I run a hand through my naturally green hair.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Amanda," I reply, "Where's your mom? Are you lost?"

The girl just smiles and me and shakes her head.

And then she just vanishes out of thin air. Because, you know, that's perfectly normal.

Note the sarcasm.

"W-what!?" I mutter to myself.

Yep. I'm definitely crazy. I totally just imagined that girl. Uh-huh. None of the other people in the store are looking at me. None of them are confused as to why a little fire-haired girl just poofed away. Calm down. Calm down.

And suddenly I collapse onto the floor. When did I get so tired? I wasn't tired before...not until like five seconds ago....And then I'm asleep.


 And if that wasn't weird enough, I don't even wake up in the store. Somehow I magically transported myself to the neighbour's yard. The neighbour's freaking yard. If I wasn't sure that magic doesn't exist, I would think that I could transport myself from one place to another.

"Amanda!" Someone shouts, and I'm surprised to see my mom striding towards me in bright pink swimming costume. She grins and wraps her arms around my shoulders giving me a hug. "I've been looking for you all day!"

" have?" I ask stupidly. I already know the answer.

"Someone told me you were at the grocery store. I looked but I couldn't find you there." I understand where she's coming from until she speaks the last little bit of her sentence, "I'm glad to see your teleportation fuction is working."

Oh. My. God.

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