Chapter 4 -

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Chapter 4 –

“Milady, we have arrived” Sebastian went to shake her shoulders again but she swatted away his hands as she gently opened her eyes. She opened the curtains and peered out the carriage. The streets were almost empty; the only people on them were drunkards walking from a nearby tavern. She peered to where the carriage was heading and nearly gasped.

“What is it milady?”

“The castle... it’s stunning” she looked back out the carriage and took in the magnificence that was the main castle of Apathia. The stone that made up the grand place was a grey stone that gleamed against the bright moonlight. The structure was intimidating yet peaceful.

“Milady, you might want to put your head inside the carriage before someone sees you”

“Yes, it might be odd to see a lady with her head out the window”


“Sebastian, it is rather late. You don’t suppose the king will greet us until the morning, do you?”

“I’m not sure, milady” the carriage stopped and a steward opened the door and helped her out of the carriage. She fixed her dress a bit before she looked at the castle. The grand doors were open and light from the many candles were spilling out down the stairs to them. Her eyes swept up the stairs, looking at the servants the came to greet them although it was late. She then stopped upon and elderly regal looking man, He smiled when her eyes hit him and began to speak.

“Welcome to my castle, my dear Myra”

“That’s his majesty” Sebastian whispered in my ear.

“Yes I got the Sebastian when he said, my castle” but why would the king himself be greeting her outside? She had only met him once. Myra fell into a deep curtsy.

“I am honoured to be here, your majesty”

“I have been looking forward to officially meeting you, your father spoke of you often” he smiled as her stepped forward. “And please just call me Edward” he caught me in a tight hug. “I feel as though you are the daughter I never had” he stepped back and smiled again.

“I am honoured to be-“

“Father, I do believe you are scaring the poor lady” Myra gazed past the king and looked back to where the servants were lined up. Her eyes fell upon one of the most handsome man she has ever laid eyes on. He was tall with a nice build; he had brown locks that were hanging on his brow. The man walked up and placed a hand on the king.

“I am sorry for my father’s abruptness but he has been very excited to see you since you agreed to come” Myra was frozen, the king just hugged her, he asked her to call him by his first name. Why? How? Her brain started to malfunction trying to figure out the situation.

“See father, you have frozen the lady”

“Oh dear! I am terribly sorry, my dear” Myra smiled, well she hoped she did, her mind was still on a malfunctioning rampage.

“It’s quite alright your majesty but may I ask why you are so excited?”

“Oh, yes, it’s because your father and I were like brothers and I’ve always wanted a daughter”

“But that doesn’t”

“My father is a hugger, which is why he hugged you” she turned her gaze to the prince.

“Oh, sorry for my questions, I didn’t mean to offend”

“No harm done my dear” the king smiled again. “I wanted to greet you properly but since it is late I shall let you retire for the night”

“Thank you, your highness”

“It’s Edward to you” she looked up startled then forced the words out.

“Thank you Edward” she curtsied then watched him walk back into the castle with two guards behind him. She heard a soft coughing beside her and turned startled as she suddenly gazed into the deep eyes of the prince. The colour of his eyes was captivating, she couldn’t figure out the colour because of the darkness but she thought them to be a blue colour.

“I wish you a good night, Lady Myra” the prince smiled and caught her hand as she was about to curtsy, she stopped and looked up at him. “I would be honoured for you to join us to break your fast” he kissed the back of her hand.

“I-I would l-love to, your highness” he chuckled at her stumbling voice then winked at her.

“Good night my fair maiden!” and with that he swept off and walked inside the castle.

“Well he seemed rather quite taken with you, milady” she gasped at the sound of Sebastian’s voice.

“Oh! Sebastian, don’t scare me like that” she spun around to face him. “And he is not, he was being kind”

“I may be old but I know when someone is making googly eyes at a lady”


“Milady” she glared at his calm face.

“Lady Myra, I am to take you to your chambers”

“Thankyou” the maid curtsied then walked into the castle with Myra in tow.

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