Chapter 5 -

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Chapter 5 –

To say the castle was grand was the understatement of the year. The walls were decorated with multiple tapestries that showed off the victories of many battles. The corridors were decorated with paintings with kings of the past and the over each stair case hung grand chandeliers each one as individual as the next. She gazed around looking from one splendor to the next, walking blindly behind the young maid.

She had just moved on from a painting of a powerful horse when she nearly toppled over the maid.

“Oh! I am sorry my dear, I was not looking”

“It is alright milady, I should have told you before stopping” the maid curtsied then opened a door to the right. "This is your chambers milady"

Myra walked into the room and the maid followed after, showing where each room was.

"the bathroom is through the door on the right and this is your bedroom, the room we were just in is your sitting room to meet guests and the balcony is through those doors" Myra gazed at her new bedroom, it was decorated in gold and cream colours. The bed was large and so was the closet to the left. Myra walked once around the room then into the sitting room, she sat down on the chair by the fire place.

"Do the rooms suit your liking, milady?"

"It does, thank you..."


"Thank you Lola “Myra smiled up at her. "I wish to retire for the night; can you please fetch me a nightgown?"

"Yes milady" Lola went into the bedroom to fetch a nightgown. "Do you need any other assistance milady?" she asked walking out of the bedroom.

"No that will be all for the evening"

"goodnight milady" as Lola left the room to retire for the night, Myra walked into her room to get changed into the light blue nightgown that Lola had laid out for her. She laid her other dress out on a chair by the bed then crawled into the large bed to sleep.


There was a noise, a noise that wasn’t there before. It wasn’t a bird nor a night animal. Myra sat up and pulled the covers over her to keep herself warm. What was the noise?

Myra slid to the side of the bed, slipped on her slippers and stood up. She looked around the dark room, the only light that was coming in was from the thinly curtains doors that lead to the balcony. Myra walked slowly to the curtains. She knew she should of ignored the noise and go back to sleep but she was curious and if she didn’t satisfy her curiosity it would pester her.

She slid her hands over the curtains looking for where the edges meet. Her hand grasped the end of one of the curtains and slowly pulled it to the side so she could see out into the darkness. Once she looked through the window she saw something that wasn’t supposed to be there, defiantly not supposed to be there.

A shadowed face stared back at her, she gasped. She jumped backwards while covering her mouth to stop the upcoming scream. She saw the door handle move as the person tried to break into her room.

She couldn’t believe it! First night in the palace and she’s already had some trouble. She stood up and grabbed the nearest hard object which was the hairbrush that was sitting on the vanity. Walked back in front of the door and help the brush back ready to throw it or hit the intruder with it.

She was shaking but when the door slowly opened and the figure slid through, she didn’t think twice about throwing the brush at the person.

“Ow!” the person held their head. The voice was low and was dusted with danger.

“Get out of my room!” Myra walked backwards to the vanity, not wanting to turn her back on the intruder to find another item to throw.

“I didn’t know someone would be in here!”  He shouted straightening up to scrutinise her.

“Get out!”

“I’m just passing through! Don’t get a twist in your nickers”


“Alright lady, you go back to sleep and I’ll just pass through your room to get to mine”

“How do I know you aren’t a thief?”

“Oh love; I’m the worse kind of thief”

“You know, usually when people are trying to get other people to agree with them, they say good things about themselves”

“Well I’m not your usual person”

“I can tell” Myra placed the comb she picked up back on the vanity. “Look I’m very tired Mr Thief and this conversation is lovely but I wish to sleep so please leave”

“Alright” the man walked closer.

“Wait!” she held up her hand to stop him from walking further into her room. “I meant leave the way you came”

“Look love, I’m not going to steal anything or attack you, I just want to pass through”

“Why should I let you into the castle?”

“For a tired person you talk a lot, alright love.” He sighed “bye milady” he did a mock bow then turned and disappeared out the still open doors.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2013 ⏰

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