Keeping Our Promises

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~*Romania's P.O.V.*~

The smiles on our faces soon turned into bright blushes as our little sweet reunion moment was shattered to smithereens by the other attending nations in the meeting.

Germany was the one to start it all by clearing his throat and ask what our relationship was, but I never got a chance to answer before things got out hands. Bulgaria and Moldova came up to me and asked why I never told them about [Name], and for how long I had been seeing her.

I sighed as it seemed everyone seemed to forget that she was a new country, meaning that no one really should have been able to have known her for that long. I was an exception, though I didn't say that out loud.

That damn Hungary went up to the [Name] and told her that she should be wary of me, as I was not to be trusted. That made me mad and I unconsciously grinded my teeth at the Hungarian, frying pan wielding, woman.

'I could say the same for you, damn woman!' I thought bitterly.

[Name] shook her head and told Hungary that she was wrong, that I was very trustworthy, and sent me a knowing glance, which I smirked at.

"But really, chap. How do you know her?" England inquired when he and Norway reached me, both with questioning expressions. Or rather, England was an obvious question mark, while Norway merely had raised one of his eyebrows just a tad.

"Well, it's a little complicated, so let's just say that life and Fate works in mysterious way." I said in a light tone, and let out a small chuckle.

He seemed to accept that answer, being a magic practitioner himself he knew all to well that the world was full of mysteries. Norway on the other hand seemed to gain a knowing gleam in his eyes, but it was for but a fleeting moment before going back to being a complete blank, that I just ignored it.

It wasn't long before the rest of the nations began to flood me and [Name] with questions about our relationship. Some were a little more reasonable, some were freaky and disturbing, and some were just plain random.

"How do you know [C/n]?"

"Are you secret lovers or something?"

"Ah, amour interdits~" [Ah, forbidden love~]

"Do you have tradings with each other, aru? Are they good, aru?"

"Have jou slept wizh zhe frau yet?!"

"You both should become one with me, da~"

"Would you like some churros~?"

"I bet you were totally saved the dudette from some monster, and then BAM, you started hanging out from then on, yo!!"

"I sharr simpry refrain from speaking..."

"You're-a really bella, bella ragazza~ Do you-a want to come eat pasta with-a me~?"

"Stupido fratello, don't just-a ask stuff like-a that out of fucking nowhere!!"

"[C/n]? How long have you known each other? Anyway, know that you have my support~"

"As long as you stay away from big brother I suppose you're fine..."

All while this all happened, I and [Name] weren't given a chance to answer either questions that were thrown at us, and I was about to snap when Germany finally managed to get them off our backs by shouting out to all countries present to get back to their seats, and leave us alone. Then he said that we were here to discuss the recent happenings in our countries, not to fuss over any newcomers and bother fellow countries.

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