part 4

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“hello son” the figure said looking in Gideon's direction

Gideon's head was facing the ground as if he was ashamed of something. It couldn’t be true, Gideon's father as far as she knew was an angel who had been sent on a mission yet to return home. There were stories in the library about his father’s missions; he had fought alongside Zaniel and other powerful angels defeating demons that were in their paths.

“Gideon” she tried to get him to deny what the creature had said.

But Gideon said nothing.

“Welcome home son” the figure said as he bellowed an evil laugh

Felicia did not like this figure at all and she knew he was the only thing standing in their way of retrieving the human and getting back home. But she couldn’t do it alone, her right wing had only just started healing and there was no way she could use it just yet.

“This is not my home” Gideon finally spoke “and I am not your son”

Felicia breathes a sigh of relief at the sound of his voice, although there was still something off about him. She could sense a darkness coming from him but she couldn’t tell why.

“Come now boy, do you deny my blood flows through you?” he shouted

Felicia could recognise that outburst, it was the same way Gideon looked when he was angry. So that was where Gideon had got his temper from.

“I might have you blood in my veins but I am nothing like you”

The creature stood up from its position and moved towards them.

“What lies have they been telling you at that school”

“I know what you did”

“HAHAHA “they creature laughed as it kept its distance from them

“You know nothing boy”

“You have innocent blood on your hands” Gideon said

“So do you”

Felicia watched as father and son trying to hurt each other with their words. Father had hit a sore point for Gideon, he hated what he had done and didn’t like being reminded of it.

“I didn’t mean to”

“Of course you didn’t but I bet the council didn’t think so” he said 2thats why you are here isn’t it? To get back in their good books”

“Rules are there for a reason….”

“Rules are meant to be broken, come and join me. Down here the only rules will be the ones you make” he said tempting Gideon with his offer

 “Get the human soul” Gideon

Felicia had not seen his lips moved and was surprised to hear his voice. It took her a few second to register that his voice had been in her head.

“I will take care of him” he said again without moving his lips

“but you can’t fight him on your own. “

“Felicia that human soul doesn’t belong here, it must be sent out”

“but he could kill you”

“it doesn’t matter what happens to me.”


“Felicia get the human, please” he

She didn’t understand why he wouldn’t see reason, they both knew he could not defeat his father on his own. The man reeked of evil and one thing she learnt from WINGS was that evil never fought fair.

“Ok” she said

“Oh and Felicia” he turned to look at Felicia with a smile on his face “take off their heads this time”

She didn’t have enough time to respond as he turned back to face his father and proceeded to attack his father.

She got glimpse of a white orb in the corner of the room, it was the only thing that looked like it didn’t belong. Felicia could not see any human just the orb, the orb must be the soul of the human. The demons must have already killed the human and all that was left was his soul. The soul was guarded by two creatures similar to the ones that had attacked them.

Felicia's wings were still not fully healed but she didn’t let it stop her. The creatures would be more vulnerable if she attacked from above them. Putting the pain she felt aside, Felicia opened up her wings, she was only able to lift herself a few meters above the ground but it was enough to still be out of reach for the creatures. They jumped at clawed at her but were unable to reach her, one of the creatures jumped and get a hold of her bag pack destroying the content in it. The marker for the human was destroyed with the rest of her supplies. Oh great. Felicia raised her sword and took both their heads off but it was too late. The marker was already destroyed this was going to be a problem.

She turned to Gideon and his father in hope that he would be able to tell her what to do. She saw the same dark cloud from before appear around Gideon, she noticed something she had not noticed earlier. The Dark cloud was coming out of Gideon, his stance had changed just like before. Felicia knew he had gone into his “hulk angry” mode and was blinded by rage so she had to make the decision herself.

There was only one marker she had left, the one she had intended to use for herself. Without it she would be stuck down her forever. Felicia tried to think of another way but she knew deep down that there wasn’t another way. It was either she used the marker for herself or used it to send the soul out of the dark world.

She made her decision and placed the marker on the soul orb and watched it vanish from her hold. The air was suddenly quiet; Felicia turned her attention back to where Gideon had been fighting with his father. He actually did it, his father's body laid lifeless on the floor next to his feet. The pair of red eyes from the dark began to come forward, there were thousands of the creatures stepping out.

This was it; there was no way for her to leave this place. She ran towards Gideon careful not to get too close. She knew he was still in the dark mood because the clouds still surrounded him.  From the shame and guilt he had shown when he spoke about the incident, she knew he didn’t like being in this state. If he was going to die, she knew he didn’t want to go this way.

She remembered how he had looked when he laid in her arms. Her presence had some how calmed him as he laid there, so maybe she could bring him back again. Felicia closed her eyes and walked into the cloud to reach him, she called out his name as she did.

She saw the red in his eyes begin to fade out as the dark cloud started to fade away again. She reached out her hands and stroked his check , he was back to being Gideon again but there was a worried look on his face.  He wasn’t staring at her stomach and she saw his eyes water up and tears began to flow from it.

Felicia pulled her gaze down to where he had been staring at, she first saw the blade sticking out of her stomach. She had not felt the metal pierce her there, but there it was with his hand on the bottom of the blade.

“Felicia I am so sorry”

He had stabbed her as she reached out to him, he was deep in the trance before she pulled him out. Felicia knew he was sorry, she couldn’t hate him for it. He wasn’t himself when he did it and she knew he must be going through the same emotions from the incident and she didn’t want to see him sad or cry or bow down in shame. She smiled, she should be filled with hate and shouting at him right now like usual but she didn’t. She wanted to wipe his tears away and tell him not to worry about it. That it was ok and he did good.

She couldn’t do any of those things as empty darkness took hold of her and she couldn’t hold on any longer.

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