Chapter 16 - Forever Yours

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Sana pov:

"Ka san, tou san....I've got some good news." I stood in front of their graves, holding up two sheets of paper. It was my monthly visit to the human world from the Soul King's Palace and I had to run a few errands along with this visit.

Almost a year and a half had passed since everything settled down with Soul Society and the Soul King issue and so had my life with Sousuke. Since I was in most control of things, everyone from Soul Society and the human world were satisfied with how things had turned out. I regained their trust and when I went to visit either Soul Society or the human world, I was welcomed with open arms.

Of course, Sousuke being Sousuke never accompanied me on my visits. He still seemed to dislike anything to do with his ex-enemies. Besides, he and the Arrancar was pretty happy with being able to control the world's balance. I honestly couldn't understand what he found so interesting about it. I mean, I lived with him because his actions were in one way my responsibility and I got bored out of my brains almost every single day because there was nothing to do.

I suppose that's exaggerating a little. I enjoyed the time I spent with Sousuke, I participated in discussions when the Arrancar came in to talk with him, I enjoyed hearing the Espada bicker amongst themselves, and I spent a lot of time managing my father's company. There had been a lot of progress in business and this morning I had just signed a contract with one of the largest Software firms in the world. It was a Australian company and they were impressed by how I had been able to keep my father's company going despite my age and experience.

I did most of my work in the Soul King's Palace since I had my laptop and other technology that allowed me to constantly communicate with my managers. Sousuke had made it possible for me to even travel to other countries directly from the Soul King's Palace, so I would visit the company headquarters every month.

I had left most of the responsibility with Hamada san though and he took great interest in keeping the company at its best.

"As you can see, I'm doing well. Sousuke and I are happy....but I'm sorry I never got to tell you who he truly is. I wish....I had been a little more honest about that." I smiled as I put the papers back in my bag. Besides letting my parents know about Sousuke, I had to let the world know about it too. After breaking off the engagement with Chen, which had become super big news, the media started putting up all sorts of questions, debates and what not's about who my real boyfriend is and what he does.

On my first visit after settling down in the Soul King's Palace, I had gotten a picture of Sousuke along with me on my phone. Man, the trouble I had to go through to convince him to give me a photo! In the end though, he didn't let me so I had to catch him on candid camera....hiding behind the pillars like some kind of stalker. Well surprisingly, Grimmjow helped. He seemed to get some sort of entertainment with stalking his own boss and getting pictures of him when he didn't know. In the end, it was a success.

So I had shown the picture of him to the media stating that he's my real fiancé and that he manages a large number of people in the administration field in the countryside. I even told them that he's not very social, not preferring to make himself a public icon and that news too had gone haywire in the internet.

And to make sure people didn't get any sort of wrong information about me or Sousuke, I had started a blog of my own. Finally after whining and pleading and showering Sousuke with kisses, I had managed to get some pictures taken with him. Just the two of us and some that showed some of the Arrancar who stayed in the Soul King's Palace as well. I made sure that everything was real and after a few unnecessary comments, people started to believe what I had been posting up.

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