I Like Planes-I Like Trains Kid

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You stare up at the sky with a smile. "I like planes." You whisper. A plane swoops down picking you up. The wind blows your h/c hair back softly. Just then a train flies up and hits your plane. "I like trains." The kid smiles. You jump onto the train to avoid death. The plane lands in a lake. "I like planes." You whimper. The kid sits by your left. "I like trains." He says. "What's your damage?" You ask. "I like trains." The I like trains kid frowns. "Ugh, whatever. I like planes." You say jumping off the train onto a plane.

~Next Day~

You start walking to school humming your favorite song. "I like trains." The I like trains kid said. A train dashed by, it didn't hit you but the I like trains kid pulled you up to his lap. "Dude!" You yell. He shrugs with a smile. You cross your arms, letting him take you to school. "I like trains." He says. You roll your eyes as another train flys past you. "I like planes." You say. A plane flys past crashing into the train. You smile when you got payback. He nudges you shyly. You smile and lean back until you arrive to school. As you walk in you notice everyone avoided the I Like Trains kid. Maybe they just didn't notice him?

~After Class~

The bell dismisses you all for lunch, so you shove your stuff in your locker and head to the cafeteria. You grab food and sit outside on a table. It was your favorite table, since it's under a Cherry tree. You relax and pick a Cherry. "I like trains." The I like trains kid says from behind you. You jump and whip around to meet his friendly gaze. "Hello." You greet calming down. He smiles sitting across from you. You smile and eat freshly picked cherries together. "I like trains." He said. "I like planes." You reply. Both trains and planes crash into the school making you giggle.

It makes kids run around screaming. The fire makes your eyes glow, from what it seems to The I like trains kid. He admires everything about you, and trains. "I like trains." He says. You giggle again, just as you do a train picks both of you up. You fall asleep curled against the I like trains kid. In a matter of time night fell. The train stopped, frightening you, also awakening you at the moment. The I Like Trains kid hugs you from behind calming you down yet again. You hug his arms enjoying the embrace.

"I like trains." He says. You smile lightly jumping from the hug and looking at the sky. Dark grey Clouds castes upon you both, sprinkling some rain. You two sit in the trains box cars together. "I like trains." The I Like Trains Kid smiled happily at you. You smile back leaning against him. You yawn dozing off again. In the process of falling asleep, you feel the I Like Trains Kid brushing through your hair with a hand. You smile snuggling into him. Soon you fell into a deep slumber. You woke up looking around. This wasn't your house. You attempted to get up, but something or someone held you back.

You smile up at the I Like Trains Kid, who was sleeping Happily. You stay for a while and sneak out of his grasp. Once you do he hugs you again and buries his face in your messy H/c locks. You squeak quietly but giggle softly afterwards. "I like trains." He says. "Well, I like You." You say hugging him. "I'm glad were friends." You smile friend zoning him. He frowns. Is that all you think of him? Only as a friend? And nothing more? "I like trains." He says. You giggle and stand up. You stretch and help up the I Like Trains Kid. "Thanks for everything." You grin. He nods, still frowning.

"What's Wrong?" You ask curiously. "I like trains." He says. "Don't be sad." You say kissing his cheek. "Be happy." You smile jumping out of the box car. You brush your hair with your hand waiting for The I Like Trains Kid. "I like trains." He says. He left without you, and never said goodbye. "No Goodbye?" You ask. "Maybe he thought I never hopped out." You thought to yourself. You wait to see if he notices, but never comes back. You sigh. It was probably a prank. You hold back broken thoughts. "I like planes." You say quietly and fly off. You hadn't seen him in school since, well you have, but he avoids you.

It was finally lunch so you went to talk to him. You find your table and place down your lunch. You walk around and see I Like Trains, talking to Susie. He might not need you anymore... "Hey Y/n!" Do the flop guy waved, also grabbing everyone's attention. You gasp as he hugs you tightly. "I haven't seen you in forever." He says. You hug back immediately. "I missed you too." You whisper back. Awe's and oo's come from the crowds of girls and boys. "C'mon. The schools changed a lot! I'll tell you all about it after class." You say with a warm smile. "Can do." Do the flop guy grins kissing your fore head.

You giggle as he walks off. "I like trains." The I like trains kid said from behind you. "Eep!" You squeak. "Oh, hi!" You greet happily. "I like trains." The I like trains kid said pointing to Do the flop guy. "Oh yeah. Isn't he awesome. Sure he had an accidental birth but he's really cool." You gawk over Do the flop guy. The I Like Trains Kid frowns at you. "Well, gotta go. Class is waiting for me." You sigh. You walk off leaving The I Like Trains Kid.

  ~After Class-Again~

"Hi!" You greet Do The Flop Guy. He waves back. "Hey Y/n!" He replies. You hug him, making him hug back. "I thought I'd never see you again." You whisper. "Well, I'm back and better than ever." He smirks. You giggle backing off. "I Like Trains." The I Like Trains Kid says. "Um, Do The Flop, Meet I Like Trains Kid." You introduce. "Hi there!" Do The Flop Guy smiles. "I like trains." The I Like Trains Kid said. "He can only say, 'I Like Trains'." You whisper to Do The Flop guy. "Oh okay. Well, we better get to the cafeteria." Do The Flop guy insisted.

"Alright." You agree and walk by his side. "I like Trains." The I Like Trains Kid said sadly. "Hm, where should I start?" You begin. "Anywhere." Do the Flop Guy says. "Well, we have new kids, like The I Like Trains Kid. We can choose what classes we want." You start and it soon turns into a giant conversation about the school. You smile warmly at Do The Flop Guy. "I like Trains." The I Like Trains Kid said. "Hi I Like Trains Kid!" You wave. Do the Flop Guy keeps eating his lunch. "Well, Do The Flop Guy, I told you everything I know." You say getting up. "Alright. I have class to get to still, I need to catch up. See you later." Do The Flop Guy says. He kisses the top of your head and hugs you.

"See ya." You grin. "I like trains." The I Like Trains Kid says. Do The Flop Guy walks away, but just as he disappears..."I like Trains." The I Like Trains Kid said. A train picks the both of you up and you stop at the school park. "Um. What's up?" You ask. "I like trains." He says. "I wish I knew what you were saying." You sigh. You sit down in the shade, and he sits in front of you. "I like..." He mumbles but you never heard the last word. "Excuse me?" You ask. The I Like Trains Kid smile and leans in next to you. "I love you." He says. You blush but smile happily.

He smiles and kisses you sweetly. You give in and Kiss back. You pull away and smile. "Looks like my little sister is growing up." Do The Flop guy grinned. You gasp and hug him. "I like Trains?" The I Like Trains Kid asked. "Oh yeah, Do The Flop Guy is my big brother." You state. The I Like Trains Kid shrugs nervously. You giggle and peck his lips softly. "I like trains." The I Like Trains Kid smiles. You chuckle. "I like planes." You say.

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