Famous-Do The Flop Guy

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(B/F/N = Best Friend Name

You listen to the clicking of the clock. Summer time is just 10 minuets away. "Alright class, you have 10 minuets of free time. BUT I'm pairing you all up..." Your teacher started. He called out everyone except you. "Y/n, and Do The Flop." Your teacher sighed. "Whatever." You mumble. Do The Flop Guy sits next to you with a warm smile. "So what do you want to do for free time?" He asks. "I don't know, anything really." You say in a bored manor. He smirks at you childishly. "What?" You ask. He shrugs, but you playfully take his hat. "Hey!" He complains as you put his hat on.

You smirk at him this time. "You Actually look pretty cute." He says making your face turn a shade of red. "Why thank you." You thank winking, now it was his turn to blush. "Class dismissed." Your teacher said. "What are you going to do?" Do The Flop Guy asks. "Meh, I'm forced to go to a dance party." You say grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. "You too huh?" He asks, as you place his hat on. You nod. "B/F/N made me go." You sigh. "I Like Trains Kid made me go, I'm not entirely the best dancer." Do The Flop Guy said sheepishly.

You chuckle stopping at your house. You write your number on a piece of paper. "Call me sometime. K? Your fun." You say, handing him the paper with a smile. "I'll be seeing you tonight." He smirks while a tiny blush spreads on his face. You wink and close the door. On the other side Do The Flop Guy blushed deeply with a grin.

~Hours Later~

You wait outside your house, for Do The Flop Guy. he called you, telling you he'd walk you to the party. He finally arrived but two other girls behind him. "Hi." You greet. Do The Flop Guy just kissed you, wrapping his arms around your waist. The two girls left while scowling at you. You just completely froze. You've known this Guy for a while, he was a best friend to you... He pulls away. "Thank goodness they're gone..." He said with a small blush. Your face is a tomato red. "Who?" You ask as you both start walking. "Stacy and Susie." He replies. "Why did you kiss me?" You ask. He doesn't answer but keeps walking.

You stop in front of him and softly hold his shoulders. "Do The Flop Guy..." You start. Your E/c eyes staring straight into his eyes. "It was nothing..." He starts. "I like trains." The I like trains kid said. "Shoo." You say, shooing at the The I like trains kid. He left on a train leaving you and Do The Flop Guy. You stare at Do The Flop Guy in curiosity. "I just wanted them to leave." He said. "That's it?" You ask. He nods. You two walk to the party in silence. The music gets louder within every step you take. He holds the door open for you, letting you walk in first. You smile at him as he follows you.

All of a sudden people pushed you away from Do The Flop Guy. You ended up on the other side of the building, always getting pushed past or shoved down. Bored out of your mind, you sat on the bleachers. A thud come from your left, so as soon as you look, you can't help but smile slightly. "Hi Do The Flop Guy." You smile. He smiles back but someone shoved you off the bleaches. "Scram Y/n." Susie said. You sigh trying to push yourself up. Your arm popped making you squeak. "C'mon Do The Flop Guy. She doesn't need you. And besides, she never liked the kiss you shared. She never liked you at all. You did notice the way she just froze, right? She can't like you even the slightest now." Susie explained.

Do The Flop Guy watches you, his eyes filled with sadness. You look back up at him then glare at Susie. "You know what? Forget this." You say getting up and holding your bruised arm. You walk out and sit on the side of the road. "Why do I even try?" You ask yourself. You take a deep breath and stand again. You head back inside the party, pushing past other people. "Y/n..." Someone slurred behind you. You jump and turn around. David? "What happened to you David. Yeesh. Did someone rig the punch?" You ask sitting David down. He nodded and hiccuped. You face palm and hope Do The Flop Guy isn't Drunk.

You search around again, but to no avail, you can't find Do The Flop Guy. You finally give up and walk out back. You decide fresh air will calm you down. As soon as you take a step outside, the door slams behind you, and whoever it was pins you against the wall. You open your eyes to see Do The Flop Guy. Your eyes widen. "Do The Flop Guy?" You ask. He smirks leaning in closer to you. You roll your eyes and close the gap between the two of you. Do The Flop Guy wraps his arms around your waist again, to deepen the kiss. Your instincts take over and you drape your arms over his shoulders. You pull away with a smirk. "So Mr. Confident..." You start. He tries his best not to blush. You snicker. "I already know your not Drunk." You whisper. This time he blushes.

"Well, um, B/F/N said you had an interest in me, so..." He replies. You giggle, lightly pecking his lips. "Yeah Yeah...so what ever happened to Spoiled Stupid Susie?" You ask. "It took ages to keep telling her to go away. I...eventually snapped and told her off..." Do The Flop Guy smiled. You laugh. "I guess thats what happens when your famous." You chuckle. "You knew I was famous?" He asks. You nod. "Yeah, I hear rumors of the Viral, I'm most likely to look it up." You explain. This time he chuckles and kisses your fore head. "How long have you had this interest in me?" He asks. "As soon as you took one step in school." You say with a light color of red tinting your face.

"How long did you like me?" You ask. He grins. "I never 'liked' You, Y/n...I've loved you ever since I saw you." Do The Flop Guy said pressing his fore head against yours. You grin, happily excepting the gift life gave you.

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