Chapter 38: Together Again

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(Suigetsu's P.O.V)

"So there's a war going on, huh?"

I ask Jugo and he nods.

"That's what the birds told me."

"Well now we need to find Sasuke and Lily before we get mixed up in the war!"

"Yeah. Let's try the hideout that's not too far from here first."


"It would've been nice if they were here, but I guess we were asking for too much!"

I complain as I stomp down a hallway of the empty hideout.

"Hey, Suigetsu. There's something that's always bothered me about you..."

"Oh yeah!? Well, I'm always concerned about you. Just having you around keeps me on pins and needles."

"I'm here because I made a promise to Kimimaro. But why are you here? Are you on the team just to cause trouble with the others?"

"Heh, heh! I love to mess with them! I want to break everything in two! I can't help it!"

I start laughing.

"You're insane, you know that?"

"Hmph... I hate you all! The only one who is at least a little nice is Lily!"

I cross my arms and pout. Jugo suddenly yells and runs me into the wall,making a hole.

"And I hate you most of all!"

I knock Jugo out before turning around and seeing a hidden room behind the hole.

"W-what... I've been here many times, but I never knew about this.."

I climb through the hole and look around.

"This is one of Orochimaru's secret rooms!"

I find a scroll on a small table in the back and quickly read it.

'What? This is... Orochimaru had planned all of this?! With this intel, it could change the whole outcome of this war!'

I roll the scroll back up and put it in my pocket. I hear Jugo wake up.

"This is exactly what Sasuke needs! That last punch is water under the bridge now, Jugo. We've found something incredible! We need to catch up to the others soon!"

(Lily's P.O.V)

I finally get to where Sasuke is at after awhile of running, and sneak into the cave.

'Why is he in a place like this anyways?'

When I get to the end of the tunnel, I see Sasuke, a creepy looking Kabuto, and Itachi.

'Wait! How is Itachi here!? I thought Sasuke killed him?'

I quickly hide behind a large boulder without them noticing, and get a better look at Itachi.

'He's been reanimated... That explains it. He and Sasuke are talking, I shouldn't bother them.'

(Sasuke's P.O.V)

"I've always lied to you and asked you to forgive me... Intentionally keeping you at a distance by my own hand...because...I didn't want you to get caught up in any of this... But now I think, that perhaps you ​could'be changed the clan. If I had come to you from the start... Looked straight into your eyes, and told you the truth... With me, who failed, telling you all this from above, it's not going to penetrate and sink in. But I want to say at least this much to you..."

Itachi pauses and pulls my head towards his, making our foreheads tap.

"You don't have to forgive me...and no matter what you do from here on out, know this... I will love you always. Also, take care her, just like she does with you."

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