Chapter 44: Don't Leave Me

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(Lily's P.O.V)

"So, Sasuke, what will you do next? Shall you crush or help the village? It's all up to you."

Orochimaru asks Sasuke after we all listen to the First Hokage's story. After a few minutes of silence, Sasuke looks up, now knowing his answer.

"I'm going to the battlefield. I won't let the village Itachi and Yuko fought for become nothing!"


I couldn't help but smile.

'He's finally back to his old self, I'm so happy!'

"Then it's decided! Tobirama, make preparations to fly us outside!"

"I'd love to, brother, but I'm still restricted from using my jutsu..."

"I believe you said earlier that you'd stick with Sasuke, right, Orochimaru?"

The Third Hokage asks.

"Of coure we shall accompany Sasuke."

"Wait, what about you two, Jugo, Lily!?"

"I'll go too. It's my duty to protect Sasuke."

"Are you stupid, Suigetsu? Of course I'm going. You wanted me to be with him so much and now you're saying differently? Are you feeling okay?"

I ask.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, Just fine!"


Once we get outside, Suigetsu tries to run away, but Karin comes from out of nowhere and kicks him.

"So it was you, Sasuke! I sensed your chakra And I came here myself! Don't think I'm going to forgive you!"

"I'm sorry, Karin."

"Ah don't worry, Sasuke, it's fine! Wait! I mean..."

"Looks like you still have a soft spot for Sasuke, eh, Karin? You have perfect timing, you can join us."

Orochimaru says.


Karin runs up to Sasuke and hugs him while snuggling as close to him as she could.

"I guess I have no choice!"

I turn around and cross my arms.

'Of course she flirt with him as soon as she sees him. Oh well, I might as well get some entertainment out of this.'

"Hey, Lily, are you sure you're ok with that?"

Jugo asks. He asks loud enough that Sasuke and the others here as well. I slowly pull my index finger up to my smirking lips to secretly signal him to keep quiet and play along.

"Why should I care? He can do whatever he wants."

​I hear something hit the ground and before I can turn around, a pair of muscular arms pull me into a hug from behind.

"Please don't be mad, you know how Karin is. I couldn't get her off of me until just now."

"Whatever you say, Sasuke."

"Lily, I'm serious!"

Sasuke turns me around and pulled me into a regular tight hug.

​"Heh, I know, I just wanted to mess with you."

*Sigh* "Don't do that, I thought you were actually mad at me."

I lightly pat his back.

"You know... It's funny seeing Sasuke show an emotion that's not hatred for once. Don't you think, Jugo?"

"Yeah, I agree."

They both laugh until Sasuke glares at them. After they stop, Sasuke let's me go.

"Let's head to the battlefield."

"I agree, Sasuke, but we'll have to split into teams. We need one group to go to the Kages and heal them, one group to go with Tobirama and get to the battlefield quickly. And then a group to arrive a little later for backup since not all of us can keep up with Tobirama."

Hashirama suggests and we all nod.

"Sounds good. Karin, Suigetsu, and Orochimaru will go to the Kage."

"And I'll go with the Hokages."

I say and start to walk over to them. Well I was until Sasuke grabs my ponytail and pulls me back to him.

"Ouch! What the heck, Sasuke!? Let go of my hair!"

"You're not going with them, you're in my group."

"Why? I can keep up with them just fine."

"That's not the point. I...I don't want you out of my sight."

He explains then turns his head away, most likely hiding a blush.

"Wait, what does that mean, Suigetsu? What happened while I was gone?"

Karin asks.

"Well Sasuke and Lily are dating now and he's afraid that she'll leave him!"

"No, my Sasuke can't be with her!"

Orochimaru grabs the balling Karin and their group takes off.

"We'll be going too, see you three when you catch up."

Minato says then they all leave.

"Let's go."

Jugo says and we all start running. Sasuke matches his pace with mine and whispers quietly in my ear.

"Suigetsu was right you know. I don't want to be apart from you ever again."

"Oh really."

"Yeah, but if you ever say a word about this, I'll make you regret it."

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say, but you don't scare me."

Sasuke laughs a little before grabbing my hand as we continue to run.

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