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|Amber's point of view|

3 days later

Finally im able to go home tomorrow, and even better, tomorrow is my 18 birthday!!

I can't stop thinking about the fact that if Cam didn't find me on time, i would never be turning 18.

"Hey birthday girl" Cam exclaims, walking into my hospital room.

"It's not my birthday yet!" i exclaim and he just laughs and kisses my forehead.

"I love you" he says and i smile.

"I love you too cam." i smile as he kisses me, quickly but passionately.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow. Its your birthday so we're doing whatever you want." cam explains.

"Im not sure...can i just spend the day sleeping?" i jokingly ask, and we both laugh.

"Sure, if that's what you want" he answers.

"I can't wait to be able to go home" i say.

"Well, i can't wait for you to be home" Cam smiles and we kiss again.

"Oh and you can't sleep all day tomorrow, i have a surprise for you tomorrow, but it's not til 6 so you have most of the day to sleep" he laughs.

"I really don't care what im doing tomorrow, all i care about, is that whatever we do, you and Logan are right by my side doing it too" i exclaim smiling. Suddenly a nurse comes in, breaking my moment with Cam.

"Ms.Greene, you are being discharged early" she states and i smile.

"Really?" i ask in shock.

"Really" she confirms, leaving the room.

"Looks like your coming home tonight babe" Cam smiles as i walk into the bathroom and change out of the uncomfortable hospital gown.

"Feels good to be in actual clothes again" i exclaim, walking out of the bathroom.

"I bet it does" cam chuckles.

"I've missed you Amber"

"You came here every day" i state chuckling.

"I know but it's different. I missed falling asleep next to you, I've missed being able to take you out, I've missed having you at home" he says and i automatically feel insanely guilty.

"Im sorry cam. This is all my fault. Its my fault im here not at home" i apologize as cam pulls me into his lap. For some reason, I start crying. I don't know why im so emotionally lately.
"Hey its not your fault Amber." cam says rubbing my back.

"Yes it is. If i never tried to kill myself then i wouldn't be here." i cry.

"Its not your fault Amber, you know its not your fault. Its Ashlynn's fault" he states, looking me in the eye.

"O-okay" i say, unsure, as Cam wipes away my tears with his thumb.

"Ready to go?" Cam asks.

"Extremely ready" i answer

"Ok, lets go home" Cam smiles, taking my hand and kissing my forehead.

"Lets go home" i repeat, smiling as we walk out of the hospital and back out into the world past the four white walls.

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