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|Amber's point of view|

"9 months is too long" Cam states, after Luke walked away.

I smile as he bends down.

''I love you little guy" he says and kisses my stomach. And omg i like died. Guys talking to their unborn babies are the cutest thing eeevvvvvvvveeeerrrrrr!!!

"Both of you" he smiles, returning to his original height. He presses his lips to mine.

I smile into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck, his on my waist.

I hear fake gagging from behind me. And who's there utterly shocks me.

"Tyler?" i say in a joyous-shock to the brother, that once disowned me as his sister, comes up from behind me.

"Hey baby sis" he smiles. I run up to him and hug him extremely tight, tears streaming down my face.

"I haven't seen you in forever. I missed you so much" i whisper.

"I missed you too"

"What are you doing out here?" he asks.

"I-i flew down to see Dad" i state, still in shock.

"I meant standing outside... wait, You don't live here?" he asks confuzzled.

"No, i moved to California... And you would've known that if you didn't disown me..." okay maybe i am still just a little bit upset about this.

"Amber im really sorry...about what i said to you. Your still my little sister and you always will be. And I'll always love you, no matter what" he apologizes. Even more tears stream down my face.

I turn around and notice Cam had walked away, probably to save us all from extreme awkwardness.

Once we walk back inside, i see that cam is playing with Logan. I smile to myself.

"Heyyyy you lied to me. It still smells" i whine, before running to the bathroom, throwing up (luckily not much) for probably the twentieth time this morning. I don't understand it, I was never this sensitive to certain smells when I was pregnant with Logan.

"Are you okay?" Josh asks, walking into the bathroom.

"Yea im fine, it just smells like bacon." i answer.

"1, no it doesn't and 2, you love bacon" he states.

"Okay you don't smell that?" i ask, confused because it reeks of bacon.

"Not at all" he laughs.

"Okay, well i don't know what your smelling but the smell of bacon is gone" cam states, standing in the doorway.

"No its not!" i exclaim, pulling the top of my shirt over my nose.

He laughs and shakes his head.

"Since when do you not like bacon?" Josh asks.

"You haven't told him have you?" cam says. I look down and shake my head.

"Haven't told me what?"

"...im pregnant" i say quietly.
It takes him a second, but his shocked look soon transforms into a smile.

"Well, congratulations" he says.

"Really?" im surprised, last time i got pregnant he practically ditched me..

"Of course, " he smiles, hugging me.

"Mommy!" Logan comes running towards us.

"Who's this?" she asks once she realizes she has no idea who Josh is.

"This is your uncle Josh sweetie" i explain. I quickly realize the mistake I made. I should've asked him if he even wanted to be in her life before I said anything to her. Luckily he's not upset, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen him look so happy before.

"I have an uncle?" she asks, confuzzled.

"Yes Logan, you have an uncle" i laugh.


"Bye dad. Love you" i say, hugging my dad before boarding the plane back to Cali.

I luckily, make it through the whole plane ride, without barfing up my guts. Shocker..

We only live a few miles from the airport, so we decided to just walk, rather than having someone pick us up at 8 in the morning.

As we were walking, with just my luck, we just so happen to pass by a hotdog stand. Like seriously? Who opens a hotdog stand before 11????

And me being...well pregnant, ends up throwing up on the sidewalk, ignoring the dirty looks im getting from strangers.

"Never seen a pregnant girl before?" i snap at the people still staring. They quickly look away, and continue walking.

"Damn.."cam laughs.

Wow long & boring. Sry..

Q: favorite song?

A: BUCKWILD & LOVE ROBBERY!!!! IK LIKE ALL THE WORDS IN BUCKWILD! but my favorite songs change like every wk so...

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