Dipper Cipher

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This whole chapter will be in dippers POV. Its going to be a longer chapter than usual because I haven't been posting recently. Any who, on with the chapter.

   As I was browsing through the dreams of the pines family, I instantly became disgusted with there nature. Almost every single dream I looked through, there were images of me and the whole family together again. Just the thought made me nauseous. Who would want to be human when you could be an immortal demon? Nobody that I know of. At least I got some information about the amulet through the torture of the sentiment. I now know that the amulet belongs or belonged to shooting star, as she did not seem to be wearing it at the moment. I just left her dream when she shot out of her bed, panting and in a cold sweat. The nightmare wasn't really necessary, but I still wanted to have some fun on this assignment. As I watched from the mindscape, she could not see me. Although I was very tempted to present myself to her I resisted. Instead I settled for whispering in her ear. To be honest, I think that freaked her out more. After she sat there for what seemed like forever reviewing what just happend, she immediately ran out of the room. Curious, I followed her until she was about to open the door to one of there rooms. I made the quick decision to knock her out, and now her limp body was sprawled on the floor. If she blabbed about her dream to anyone right now, my cover could be blown. As I was about to pick her up and bring her back to her room, I paused for a moment. Then I felt this weird feeling in my chest. It felt so weird, and I had no idea what it was. A thought then occurred to me. Could I be feeling sorry for shooting star?, I question myself in my head. No that's ridiculous. I'm a demon! Not a some meat sack weighed down by emotions! Finally snapping out of my trance, I picked her up and teleported her to her room. As I was about to depart from that horrid bunker, something stopped me. I could hear very muffled voices comeing from the mindscape. That's weird, I don't remember anything being in the mindscape when I came here. Why didn't I detect it? Trying to locate the hushed voices, I finally narrowed it down to one door. With precaution, I pressed my ear to the door, trying to decide who was talking and perhaps what they were discussing. Failing that, I decided to shield myself on four of the five planes. ~for you non-demonly folk, the five planes are the five planes of reality. Humans can only see through the first and rarely the second plane. Although the things in the second plane to humans appear as specters or what you might call a "ghost". Powerful demons on the other hand, such as myself, can see through all five. Lesser demons such as djinni can only see through four. I must say though, I don't know how humans have survived this long without seeing on the other planes. The mindscape for instance, otherwise known as the third plane, have so many creatures that could easily tear a human apart. That's not the point though, so back to the real story.~ After I did that, I floated through the wall into a very intense conversation. They were all surrounding a birch table, polished to look like it just came out of packaging. The floor was mainly the same, except instead of birch, it was redwood. Around the whole room was scattered peices of maps, documents, graphs, you name it. Standing in the middle of all this was three figures I strongly despised. The first one was old sixer, who had a small but ridged beard, leaning against the pristine table, studing some documents very intently. His eyes indicated that he hadn't slept in over forty eight hours, as they were bloodshot and looked very dry. Standing next to him on his right side was the infamous renegade, who seemed to be pulsing with energy at the moment. I have seen him many times before, but not with this much power. His whole body was engulfed in a powerful aura, eminatting from his blue glowing designs covering his body. Even his eyes seemed more alert and focused. Weird, and worthy of a little talk with my father when I get back. On sixer left side was the enchanting mystic. Her yellow eyes were as beautiful as ever and maybe even more. Her fur was as white as freshly fallen snow, with only the blue streaks interfering with it. And, as always, she stood out from the rest. I soon found myself staring at her, not even listening to the conversation they were having. Finally I snapped out of it and started to focus. "-but that's almost impossible. It would put all of us in danger." I heard sixer say with a lot of emphasis in his voice. "we know that, but we have to try. It's the safest option we have at the moment. So, either you get everyone in here, or we leave and think of another plan that you will have to follow. Your choice." renegade said in a very stern voice. Man I hate him. First he escaped and only got me in more trouble. Then he stole my girl away from me! Mystic was supposed to be mine. But no, he jumps in and takes her away, ugh! I can't let my anger get the best of me now, I have to focus. Listening intently again, sixer then sighed and walked out of the room. He was most likely going to go get the rest of the group, or he could just be going to the bathroom, who knows. All was still in the cluttered room, leaving me, renagade, and mystic alone in silence. Minutes later, sixer came back with the rest of the group. Which included shooting star which was impressive, because she was supposed to be knocked out until at least until morning. Soon everyone was sitting awkwardly in the fragile white oak chairs. Renegade called on Jasper and Jake, who I also despise. Soon they were all crowded along the long, oval shaped table. The only one who wasn't sitting was me, but I floated a tiny distance away from renegade. I was still trying to figure out what made his aura so strong. As I was thinking of possibilities, I was ripped out of my thoughts by the faint cough of sixer who was trying to get everyone's tired gaze on him. As soon as everyone was looking at him, including me, he started the supposed meeting.
"I am very sorry for waking you all up, but this is very important. Me, mystic, and renegade believe we have an idea as to stopping bill. This is very risky, so i would advise you to listen carefully." as he finished, renagade then stood up to face all of them. I almost fell asleep while he was explaining it, but I got the basic concept of what he was saying. In a summary, he said that they would use something to get past all the guards, blah, blah, blah...defeat any other personal guards bill may have, blah, then suck bills demonly power out of him. As he reached the end of his explanation, he asked if anyone had any questions. Shooting star instantly said something that I think caught everyone by surprise, even me. "when can I get my amulet back?" she asked. At this I was instantly brought back to attention, waiting intentivly for his answer. "well, um, I really don't know if you can ever have it back." he said with his ears drooping a bit. "WHAT!? I need my necklace back! Why did you even have to swallow it!?" Man, shooting star is just helping me out more than I could ever hope for. He swallowed the amulet huh? That idiot basically doomed himself. I could just say a Latin chant and he would be a goner. This is when I got an idea. I decided to have a little fun of my own. Very gently, I let a little bit of my shield depart. It was only enough so they could sense my presence. As soon as I did, mystic, Jasper, Jake, and renagade all froze. I didn't know if it was from fear or from realization. "Um, guys?" red head asked, sounding a little concerned. That's when I decided to make my entrance. All at once, I let my shield drop, and I froze everything around me and everything was black and white. Obviously everyone in the room knew what that was what happened when a cipher showed up, so everyone was in a defensive position with their weapon. I decided to go simple with my entrance. At the other side of the room, a bright blue flame appeared. It spun around and around, until it stopped, and I emerged. This seemed to put everyone in shock, even the demons. All I did was stare with a maniac smile across my face. All this silence was getting annoying, so i decided to speak up. "well, what kind of welcome is this! You haven't seen me in five years and this is how you greet me? You all are sure good at throwing reunions." I said. Finally they broke out of there trance. Everyone still had their weapon pointing at me, but shooting star had lowered hers a little. "d-dipper...is-is that really you? What happened to you?" star asked me, with a very quiet whisper. "yep, it's me shooting star! And I came to my senses, that's what happened to me." I said as I now floated upside down, with my legs crossed. "how much did you hear!" renegade asked me. Not really asked though, more like yelled. I sat there for a moment thinking ignition should tell them. "oh I heard everything! HAHAHAHAH! I CANT BELIVE YOU SWALLOWEd IT! HAHAHAH! Oh man, this is to good. I wish I had a camera! Anyway, I think I'm just going to end this right now." I say looking at them, lighting blue flames into my hands, with a smile from ear to ear. Then mystic tried to jump up and grab my arm. She would have succeeded to, if it wasn't for the fact as soon as she jumped she was light on fire. She started yelling like a helpless dog in pain. Which she was I guess. I hated seeing her like this, bit there was no other way. As soon as that happend, everyone in the room started to aim the weapons on me. I easily deflected all of them, except for one. This one came from shooting stars gun, and it hit me directly in the shoulder. And did it hurt. That when all of my bottled up rage was released. Everyone, including the demons, were thrown against the walls when I let out a wave of power. Mystic, Jake, and cresent were knocked out, left on the wall. Everyone else however was on their feet ready to attack. They almost penetrated my force field, which is impressive I must admit. Then I got bored. There weak attempts were starting to get very old. Suddenly, I was blast against the wall by an unforeseen force. When I looked up, I saw renegade in front of me. He somehow managed to break through my force field, and was now out for blood. His sharp rows of vicious teeth snapped at me multiple times. While his blue eyes bore into my eyes, I decided to end this right here. I started to chant the Latin spell. Soon he was on the ground writhing in pain. I put a shield up again because the pines were still trying to attack me while I chanted. Soon enough I was done, and renegade started to disappear. He turned into a black cloud, turning like a hurricane until it got sucked into something; the amulet. Everyone stood there shocked at what just happened right before there eyes. I took this as my opportunity to strike. First I whacked Jasper with my flaming fist, sending him flying in the air, ending up unconscious on the table. After that, I picked off the miniature humans. The only ones left standing were shooting star and sixer now. I slowly walked toward them, knowing that they won't be able to do anything. As I approach, they start trying to talk me out of it. "Dipper Pines. This is not the you I know, and you know that too. So stop this madness and come back to your real family." sixer said. I still did not slow my pace. Then shooting star spoke up. "dipper, listen to me, your my brother, my twin, my other half. Do you really want to do this?" she said, sounding very desperate. Soon I was standing right in front of them, and I grabbed there throats and started to choke them. As I did this, I decided to speak up. "it's not dipper pines anymore. It's dipper cipher. And star, I was and never will be, your brother." I said as they slowly lost consciousness in my grasp.

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