Chapter 1

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Lisa's P.O.V

"Miss. Jimenez can you please raise your hand so our new student knows where to sit." Mrs.Laird said

I raised my hand and the blonde boy came walking towards me.

"So your new?" I asked him

"Yeah My family and I moved here from Ireland?" He said putting his books down on the table

"Why'd you move?"

"My moms job moved her to California, I don't mind though California's a nice place."

"Yeah I guess, my names Lisa by the way."

"I'm Niall nice to meet you." He said putting his hand out for me to shake.

We talked a little longer ignoring Mrs. Laird until the bell for 3rd period rang. Which I found out we had together.

School ended and now I'm walking home. As I was walking home my phone started to ring so I got it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID.

"Hey dad."

"Hi sweetheart what are you doing?"

"Just walking home, you?"

"Oh that's cool. And nothing just here in the office."


"Yeah........ So pumpkin I'm getting paid on Friday and since I didn't get you a birthday gift I was wondering if you'd like to go shopping after I get off work on Friday and we can go anywhere you like."

"Yeah dad that sounds great."

We talked a little longer and then hung up. This is what I love about my dad he lets me do anything I want, well mostly anything. He was the one gave me the money so I could get my tattoo, he took me to get my gages, and he let me get my belly button pierced. My mom on the other hand doesn't let me do crap. She wants me to be a proper young lady, have manners,be polite. I'm probably the total opposite but I won't let her know that.

I stopped at the Circle K to get one of those Starbucks coffee and some candy and then went back home.

"I'm home!" I yelled so my mom knew I was home

She came running downstairs panicked," where have you been your late why?! I gave you a specific time to be home why aren't you home at that time!" She started getting mad and was yelling

"Mom I stopped at Circle K to get some stuff, geez I didn't think it was the end of the world if I came home five minutes past 3:30!"

"Oh so now your being a smart ass huh? Go get the belt!"

"No mom I'm not a little girl anymore I'm 17 can't you understand that you can't hit me for small things! Oh you didn't clean the dishes go get the chancla. You didn't get milk when you went to the store your grounded. Your five minutes late from walking home go get the belt. I feel like i cant even go in my own backyard cause I feel like I'd get in trouble!I'm not gonna be your little bitch anymore mom!"

After I said that my mom slapped me across the face with all her strength.

"Go to your room." Was all she said

I've never cussed in front of my mom I guess it kind of just slipped out, I didn't mean to say it. Oh well. I think I'm gonna take a nap.


Lisa's P.O.V

Someone's knocking on my door but I don't want to open it. It's probably my mom.

"Come in!" I yelled

It was my mom and she walked in and sat on my bed.

"Lisa sweetie we need to talk."


"I'm sorry if I make you feel like you can't do anything, I just want to protect you from harm and I-" at this point she started crying

"I want you to know that I love you and from now on I won't be so hard on you."

She didn't really say much after that besides just like I'm sorry and stuff like that she was mainly just crying and then she left my room finally and I went back to bed.

The next day;

Niall's P.O.V

So today's Friday and I get to have 1st and 3rd period with that cute girl Lisa.As I walked into first period i didn't see Lisa wasn't there,maybe she's coming late and she'll be here soon, hopefully.

No sign of Lisa anywhere I didn't see her in passing period and she didn't show up at all in 1st period. Maybe she showed up in second period and will be in third period.

I walked into class and still no Lisa! Where could she be?

Lisa's P.O.V

Shit I'm late I'm late I'm late!

I woke up at 9:45 and I had already missed first period maybe I can make it for some of second period.

I quickly put on some tan shorts with a black v neck and some black and white chucks. I didn't bother putting all my makeup on so I just put on compact and mascara. I then rushed out the door.

I feel like I'm walking like one of those speed walkers. Maybe I should just run cause this is kind of uncomfortable. I started running and soon was at the office I made it to school in time but I didn't get to go to second period. Which sucks cause I wanted to see Ryan, the most cutest guy in school with his dark brown hair and colored eyes his tan skin all his tattoos and his snake bites. ErMahGerd he makes me melt.

Anyway I walked to third period kind of slow. When I opened the door everyone's head turned towards me. I gave Mr. Montalvo my late slip and he handed me the novel were reading. I went to my seat and opened to the page I was on, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my right and Niall was handing me a paper. I opened it up and it was a party invitation. Wow two days here and already throwing a party oh well. I smiled at him letting him know that I was going. We then went back to reading our book.

After school I just went home and waited for my dad to pick me up. I soon got a text from him saying that he was almost here. I got all my stuff ready and waited outside. As I was waiting outside I saw Niall across the street.

"Niall!" I yelled

He turned and sure enough it was him.

"Lisa?!" He yelled back

I walked closer and so did he.

"Do you live there?"

"Yeah this is the house we bought."

"So your my lab partner and my neighbor haha." I gave him a smile and he smiled back we yelled a little longer and then my dad pulled up.

We went to the mall first and I got a new belly ring, some new gages and a new phone case. I then got some high waisted shorts,a black flowy tank top with a roaring tiger printed on it, some combat boots, oh and I got some leather shorts just to see how I would like them.

We went a couple other places and then went out to eat. My dad then dropped me off at home.

It's already 11 so I think I'm just gonna go to bed. I brushed my teeth,washed my face, put on my pajamas and laid down in my bed I can't wait till tomorrow night.



Boooo horrible chapter sorry if its not good lol it's actually horrible like really xD

Well this is my fanfic for my friend Lisa hope you like it :)


~Christina xo

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